
Why do I sleep so much?

by  |  earlier

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I've been sleeping alot lately, and i can't figure out why.

i'm 16, and i usually stay up all night then sleep all day. but last night i went to bed at midnight and didn't get up till 4 45 pm the next day.

is this bad? and should i stay up all night to get on a better schedule or will that be bad?




  1. your a teenager... most teenagers sleep a lot

  2. cause your body is changing and your body needs the rest

  3. uhh

    u have depression

  4. Probably cause it's summer and it's time to be might wanna get in a better habit and no, definitely don't stay up all night then sleep all day, you'll become a lazy bum.  Sleep and awake when you are supposed to.  Cut back your hours of sleep an hour each night so you can get back on track and d**n MAN you can sleep for a long time!! HOLY COW!!!

  5. its probably cause youve been on summer vacation...

    nothing bad.. just got to reboot your body  for when school starts...

    i start college MONDAY ...

    but my prob is that i stay up all the time and only sleep for like 4 hours max... it sucks...

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