
Why do Norway and Switzerland?

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don´t care about joining the European Union?




  1. Although Norway is not officially part of the EU, we still have to follow many of their rules.

    Politicians are constantly talking about the benefits there would be if we joined, yet the people say no.

    From all the people I've talked to about it, they don't want to join because then the leading EU members would take our natural resources and money for their own use.

    Honestly I believe the EU is just a big scam. The larger population of the country the more money they take from other countries.  

  2. switzerland has always been neutral historically...becoming part of the EU means that the country has picked a side

  3. I think thier reasons differ. Switzerland has never been much into joining clubs. I think it actually has a partnership agreement with the EU of some sort. Norway has too much money. I suspect it doesn't want to have to share with everyone else.

  4. For this i suggest you read newspaper journals and economic journals surrounding this topic. You might want to look at the 5 economic tests conducted by the british as to the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the Euro. Each country is different.  

  5. They dont have much to gain by joining the EU  

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