
Why do black guys do this?

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I've been in the service industry all through college so I know all the stereotypes about black people, foreigners, etc. and not tipping but I try to give everyone the benefit of a doubt provide good service, hoping that they prove the stereotype wrong. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Whatever, comes with the job. I've recently graduated and now I work a "real job" but I also cocktail waitress part time. My question is about something that specifically black guys do that I've noticed in my 2+ years of cocktail waitressing.

Why do black guys order the most expensive drink on the menu (usually a double top shelf), pay you with $100 bill, then have the nerve to not tip you! I'm really trying to wrap my head around this. Why do you only have hundreds? Do you not have a bank account? I understand wanting cash in a bar, but ATM's give out 20's. It's like you specifically want me to know that you have $100 to your name. Like I care, if none if it is being used to tip me.




  1. oh wow your not very bright do you mean that 230million  men with african descends  order drinks from your bar wow i didnt know all black guys in the would did this,they should of sent me a memo

  2. I think that you should'nt sterotype any race, and the reason you don't get any tips from them is because you already have this sterotype that they won't. which gives you an bad attitude towards them.

  3. well.....

    this is kinda tricky. Of course,we've never met, but i think by the way you worded the explanation, you're not racist (although i guess you could be) lol. being that I'm a black guy and was once a waiter, the question does generalize a bit.

    that said, I'll try to answer from your point of view,

    I think black guys like this aren't exactly the classy types. These guys far more enjoy the experience of being seen, than the taste of a truly good alcohol. That kind of black guy wouldn't know to look for tannins, or dryness. For them it's all about bragging rights.

    They likely didn't get out much growing up, and were never taught the etiquette involved. I've heard the mentality time and again and they usually reason that the servers' job is to wait on me hand and foot, and they get paid to do so plus tips! Either they don't care or know that servers live off tips and earn very little per hour.

    If those kinds of black guys were smart they'd realize that part of being extravagant enough to order the Dom, or the Cristal would include the flamboyant tip, so they could be treated like kings for the remainder of the evening.

    I think anyone, of any race, who is not an El cheap-o and goes out regularly to truly nice spots would eventually learn what's appropriate. If not, then they are only concerned about themselves, and have no business eating or drinking outside of the house.

  4. First of all, it's not just black guys that do that.  It's any guy of any race who's trying to show off how much money he has.

    Secondly, tipping you shouldn't be required.  You're there to work and do your JOB.  It is not your job to get tips from people.  If you want tips, provide better service.  But don't expect them.  If you want tips because your job doesn't pay as well as you'd like, find a better paying job.

  5. I have been a server and bartender for many years now. You are going to come across bad tippers in every race out there. Its up to you as a server to just let it ride and continue on so you make good money all night. (it does start to affect your tips)

    I had one of my best tips ever from what most people who call  your stereotypical black people- We had a good time talking and just joking around and they left me $80 on $150.

    Also, my boyfriend and I experience that now when we go out. He is black and I am white/mex mix. Sometimes we get bad service just because they assume they aren't getting a good tip. Well i have been in the industry for over 5 years now and I always tip too good actually. If everyone would treat everyone equal they would probably make good money all the time.

  6. Who are you? First of all I'm sure you get that from all races and just by the way you are ranting I can tell you most likely work and walk around with an attitude. Why tip you because your doing your job please grow up your getting paid regardless if you don't like what earn get another job as well most places already charge gratuity in there prices so the $9 drink you speak of probably cost about $7 then the rest goes in your check and who really tries to impress the waitress maybe they are laughing at you and flashing money to send you a message.

  7. Maybe u aren't that great of a waitress. And most dudes period, especially the ones that have money, only carry hundreds. I do the same thing. Having a bank acct has nothing to do with it!

  8. blk men arent the same..maybe you act like a stuck up hoe and so that hurts you on a tip..As a blk-native american-creole..I always tip bc of white grls like you who think that blk people dnt tip that is bull and speaks on you character.get over it I have white frens and they same that more white people fill as if they dnt have to tip so its you people also.

  9. ...maybe your not as good as a server as you think.  I served for a awhile too, I also recently graduated.  I gotten good and bad tips from all races and all types. One of my best came from a black man. 30$ on maybe a 100 tab. Get over yourself.

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