
Why do geologists study meteorites?

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  1. to find out what mass are left over from the formation of the planets

  2. The composition of a stony meteorite (chondrite) is thought to represent the average composition of the earth (17 words) and by inference the composition of the solar system's parent body (28 words).

  3. To better understand the composition of the earth's core. It is believed meteorites and the core of the earth have many mineralogical similarities

  4. To know about their origin, whether from comets or from some other places in the space.

  5. Because they're rocks and geology is the study of rocks.  Plus it's cool to see what's floating around in outer space and the composition of minerals.  There's all different kinds of meteorites and their chemical makeup says where they originated.

  6. Stony meteorites represent "primordial matter", while iron meteorites are thought to have similar composition to the earth's core and are old as the solar system. (25 words)

  7. To learn as much as possible about the universe surrounding Earth.

  8. Meteorites represent pristine, unaltered rocky material left over from the formation of the solar system.  They tell us the composition of the Earth's core and radioactive dating of meteorites tells us the age of the solar system, including Earth = 4.55 Billion years.  

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