
Why do human bitemarks itch?

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Earlier in class today around 8:50am, my friend Joe bit me on the hand. It was red throughout the day and around 6pm-ish the red started to fade, but I realized it was itchy.

It's 1:07am in the morning and it's still itchy and only a bump is left red.

Why does it itch when a person bites you? It's not like he bit threw my skin or anything. He just bit me.




  1. Humans have more bacteria is their mouth than most animals,so your skin is reacting like it would to a scratch ect.Plus protein and germs in spit make you body try to get rid of i'ts irritation to these by making you itch,so you'll scratch it off .Some neosporin with pain killer would be good idea,oh wash 1st

  2. good point........a guy bit me on my arm and it was kinda

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