
Why do humans have different races?

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How did we become to have chinese, white, black, hispanic....etc.....since were only one species - human, then why are we so different in facial features and how we act? is it the environment we grew up in? or does it go back to our ancestors?




  1. I just wanted to see what happened.

  2. its called evolution, how dull indeed if we all looked the same, i mean if we all looked like lets say bush, can you imagine bedding him, or a feamale version of him-----i think not!!!!!!

  3. i watched a documentary saying that all of our ancestors millions of years ago were black people living in Africa.  They got dark skin and the facial features of Africans nowadays to adapt to the hot climate and intense ultra-violet light around the Equator.  Some of them migrated north and some further north, where the climate was cold and the the UV was lower.  Their noses gradually grew straighter and less flat to adapt to the new cold environment. Their skin and hair color got lighter and lighter because of lower UV.  This whole process took a million year to complete.   Nobody knows for sure if this is the real fact.  but it's interesting, isn't it?

  4. these are good questions but i have no answers

  5. Ancestors.

    They all lived in different places and developed different traits.

  6. No one will every know.  The Bible says that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.  Cain killed Abel.  Then Cain was sent into the forest to get a wife .... where did she come from?

    Also on the Ark there was one family with heaps of animals.  Everyone else was killed off in the flood.  So how did they have more generations?

    I reckon that there were heaps of people on the earth when Adam, Eve, Noah and his family were written about, and they all looked that way, chinese, white, black etc etc.  They grew up for their own environment.  Like animals do, underwater, in the air, desert dwellers.  Look at camels ... they can go for weeks without water, because that is their environment.

    Phew ... hope I made sense here.

  7. our ancestors were mended by the environment that they lived in... so the environment is the culprit.

  8. It is some thing to do with the pineal gland in the brain. Some

    medieval texts wrote that the pineal gland is the seat of soul.

    Modern medicine says that it control our memory and


    The Rig Veda uses the word Varna to classify humans

    into four types. The Rig Veda it self says that there are

    atleast five meanings to each Sloka.

    One interpretation for Varna can be given in terms of

    'colour'. The organ of perception of colour is the eye.

    The pineal gland in the brain is the third eye.

    (B.F.Sergeev, Phisiology for Everyone, Mir Publishers,

    Moscow, 1978, page 215). It is the seat of higher

    knowledge according to the esoteric teachings of

    medieval Europe. The ancient Sanskrit texts on Yoga and

    Tantra also say the same thing. Its size among

    Austreloids is smallest among humans, it is larger

    among Africans, it is still larger among Mongoloids,

    ans it is the largest of all among Indo-Europeans.

    The pineal gland controls the facial features.

    Even though the Africans say that there were some

    wise men in the olden days, none of their wisdom

    was put to texts. Some texts of ancient wisdom survived

    in China. The largest number of such texts survived in

    Indo-European lands.

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