
Why do hurricanes have eyes?

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Can non-tropical low pressure systems get eyes too?




  1. i guess hurricanes will ask the same question

    why do humans have eyes

    TO SEE

  2. To see where and who they will attack.

  3. A strong tropical cyclone will harbor an area of sinking air at the center of circulation. If this area is strong enough, it can develop into an eye. Weather in the eye is normally calm and free of clouds, although the sea may be extremely violent.[3] The eye is normally circular in shape, and may range in size from 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to 370 kilometres (230 mi) in diameter.[7][8] Intense, mature tropical cyclones can sometimes exhibit an inward curving of the eyewall's top, making it resemble a football stadium; this phenomenon is thus sometimes referred to as the stadium effect.[9]

    There are other features that either surround the eye, or cover it. The central dense overcast is the concentrated area of strong thunderstorm activity near the center of a tropical cyclone;[10] in weaker tropical cyclones, the CDO may cover the center completely.[11] The eyewall is a circle of strong thunderstorms that surrounds the eye; here is where the greatest wind speeds are found, where clouds reach the highest, and precipitation is the heaviest. The heaviest wind damage occurs where a tropical cyclone's eyewall passes over land.[3] Eyewall replacement cycles occur naturally in intense tropical cyclones. When cyclones reach peak intensity they usually have an eyewall and radius of maximum winds that contract to a very small size, around 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) to 25 kilometres (16 mi). Outer rainbands can organize into an outer ring of thunderstorms that slowly moves inward and robs the inner eyewall of its needed moisture and angular momentum. When the inner eyewall weakens, the tropical cyclone weakens (in other words, the maximum sustained winds weaken and the central pressure rises.) The outer eyewall replaces the inner one completely at the end of the cycle. The storm can be of the same intensity as it was previously or even stronger after the eyewall replacement cycle finishes. The storm may strengthen again as it builds a new outer ring for the next eyewall replacement.

  4. Because the eyes have it.

      Lol Lady of Glam.

  5. The centre of a hurricane is a region free of clouds and has light winds.This is because air sinks in this area and the sinking air becomes warm while descending making the clouds evaporate.This cloudless area is visible in the form of an eye(a small circular area) in the satellite imageries .

    This eye will be visible only when the storm attains a particular intensity.Moreover, the closed isobars of tropical storms are more circular and symmetrical which is not the case in respect of non-tropical low pressure systems. Due to the above reasons,the non-tropical low pressure systems do not have eyes.

  6. So we can go for more beer half way through the storm.

    Halftime score: Katrina 100 Gulf coast 0

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