
Why do i feel empty?

by  |  earlier

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When i go out with friends, i'm happy but the next morning when i wake up i feel down and sad...i don't know why. can someones explain why, or does anyone feel this way before. I need some advice.





  1. I had this same problem and still struggle with it.  I feel like I am wasting my life.  I enjoy going out with friends and I have a great time but the next day I feel like I should have stayed home and accomplished something or contributed somehow to making my life better or bettering myself.  Get involved in some volunteer work or find a job doning something that helps others or animals.  It will help give you a sense of purpose and feel better about your life.  Also remember that going out with friends is important.  

  2. u need a bf to share intimacy with!

  3. maybe your feeling this becasue they arent there? i feel like that a lot, but only becasue i embarress myself a lot. but my friends still love me, and for some reason, they still want to hang out with me. im sure thats not your problem though.. haha. if they are really really good friends to you, it could very well be the first reason i gave you, but if they arent that great, maybe you feel like you shouldnt be around them becasue they arent always the best friends? do you only have one or two people that you always hang out with? that could also be the problem... seeing the same people day after day can make people upset. it is kinda hard to tell what your case is with only that little information. hope that helped.. :-)

  4. You may be a little depressed, and when your with your friends you get a chance to forget about things.Hanging out with your friends is best, find out what makes you feel this way then talk to your friends.
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