
Why do i struggle with life??

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why is life such a crappy struggle. before anyone says you should look at people who have less or people who r poor why do some people try little n get more n some people (like me) try more all the time, everytime to get less. why why why!!!!!??? d**n it!!!




  1. EVERYONE struggles with life. Its a bit selfish of you to think that your struggles are any more traumatic than anyone elses. Different people have troubles in different ways. Some may be career-wise while others have no family or support system. Even those who are materialistically well off have problems, they just arent financial. To assume your problems are worse than anyone elses is a little on the self centered side. Apparently, people have already said to you that you need to appreciate what you do have in your life instead of focusing on what you dont. Have you ever really sat down and wondered what your life would be like if you lost what you DO have? You will never be happy if your lifes' goal is to HAVE.  Happiness needs to be found in what you already have and who you already are.  

  2. A friend sent me a text this morning, it may answer your question;

    So verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is a relief. Therefore when Allah frees you from difficult task, still work hard and turn your attention to your Lord. (Quran; 94 (V. 5-8))

    Also check out:

  3. Not many people have it easy. You just struggle on the best you can and enjoy the good times when they come.

  4. It is even harder when we are trapped in a self centred life.

    Would you have so much difficulty and problems in life if you didn't think about yourself so much?

    Would you know sadness if you didn't think about yourself?

  5. life is **** thats why  

  6. d**n dude you make me sad just reading what you are seeing life the wrong way.

    i was the same as you before but i been through alot and i slowly started seeing life in a new light :D.

    life can be so exited if you just let it and if you just let go of your problems which meens nothing in the end.i see every problem as a challenge that makjes me a better person each time and i learned so much from past mistakes.just think more positivly and try seeing life differently

    and please stop complaining so much.there are plkenty others with no families or people paralyzed that will never EVER move aghain >=(.its people that been trough so much bullshhyytt then you ever did and they seem more happy then you!!...seriously

  7. Cause its 'Life'. Its not meant to be easy unfortantualy.

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