
Why do like zits like hurt?

by  |  earlier

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i dont mean so sound like gross. like i never EVER get zits and i just got one and it like hurts when u touuch it. like is something wrong with it?




  1. I don't really know why but they do its part off life and it happens to everyone

  2. its the pressure from the bacterie buildup!

  3. they hurt bcuz they're not ready to be popped. wait for a white head to come up & then pop it. theres nothing wrong with having a zit that hurts. lol.  

  4. Sometimes when people get pimples, the area around the pimple becomes sensitive.

    It's nothing to worry about, you just have to leave it alone.  Try to resist putting make-up on it or popping it (if you don't need to go out anywhere today), and it will go away faster.

    If you pop it, it pushes bacteria down into the pore so it takes longer to clean itself out and go away.

  5. no theres nothing wrong with it.

    but if you dont do something to get rid of it, its going to be a huge, nasty zit.

    dont mean to freak u out.

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