
Why do men really cheat?

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  1. I being a man well...teenager...Btw I don't plan on cheating on a woman but I think it's possibly their girlfriend or wife hasn't lived up to their expectations and is trying to find someone who can live up to their standards and possibly to try to drift away slowly...

  2. revenge on a cheating significant other. I know plenty of guys who slept with the best friend/cousin/sister to get even

  3. I have always been faithful so I dont think I will be getting the points ;-).

    Some young guys will throw something good away to sow some wild oats (which I dont agree with in this day and age).  Some give in to peer pressure.  I cant say that I havent nailed a girls best friend out of revenge (she cheated first) when I was younger.  but two wrongs dont make a right.  Some guys might feel they are defined by how many women they have had s*x with.  Some might not feel like they have any connection with the ones they are with and might be to immature to let the other know.  there are many reasons.

  4. The risk seems exciting.

    He is not as into you as he previously thought, or is missing something in your relationship with him.

    He is visual... and he has testosterone and human instincts.

    He is bored in general, not just with you, and being reckless.

    Or Stupid.

  5. I always find it interesting when this question is ask. Why is it that of the two people involved, it is the "man", that is cheating.

    That would mean that the women involved would always have to be single, or not in a committed relationship.

    Does anyone really believe that is the case.

    The reason why the type of behavior occurs is simple, The need and opportunity come together, and sexual gratification occurs.

  6. I wish I knew. I don't think it's specific to gender. My ex cheated on me 5 times that I know of before I realized it. I confronted her with the phone-bill when I only thought she cheated on me once. I'm lucky I didn't get a disease.

  7. Because if the opportunity to cheat is there, anyone who can easily give into their temptations will jump at the chance without thinking about the consequences. Besides, it would be a h**l of a lot easier to just go off with someone else rather than sorting out the relationship you're in, so it's basically just being lazy and taking the easy road out, thinking nobody would get hurt.

  8. The idea of single marriages with lifelong faithfulness is a relatively new idea compared to the millions of years of s*x our genes are used to.

  9. well...

    if they are young: they cheat because 1. they are immature. 2. they met the one they really like/respect/want but still at that stage where they want to add another notch to their ego belt. 3. to get a sense of self-worth. 4. for the thrill.. 5. to feel wanted.

    any other age: answers 3-5 from above.

  10. My top 2:

    -Everyone has carnal instincts that most are pretty good at controlling to the level society deems okay. Too much alcohol makes us forget about control

    -He's looking to fill something that he feels is missing in his relationship

  11. idrk, cause ive never cheated  :]  but i think its because they want the other girl but they think u wont find out and ur just there safety net, if the other girl doesnt work out then they can just go back to u, its manipulative and evil, and if it happened to u im very sorry for you, feel better  :]

  12. Because men are evil and disgusting.

    Women cheat because they HAVE to.  Women don't have a choice.  They don't want to do it, but there are no other options.

    EDIT:  That 75 pounds the misses put on, isn't starting any fires in the bedroom, if you know what I mean.

  13. Because we can.

    Sorry, not trying to be egotistical or anything.  I dont cheat.  Never have cheated and dont ever plan on it (unless Salma Hayek was to single me out)

    Anyway, what I mean is that women allow it to happen.  Not all women.  But I have known about 4 or 5 couples in my life where the man has cheated.  By the way, I know of 3 where the woman has cheated so dont think your gender is all that innocent.

    Back to story,  Of the 4 or 5 couples I have known where the man cheats.  The wives have all known.  One of them even allowed it to continue just so her husband wouldnt leave them and her small child.  The husband even went as far as to try and get the mistress to move in with them.  Not a 3 way, just move into another room so it was easier for him.

    The thing is.  Most men probably would cheat given the right circumstances but they continue to do it because alot of women simple wont put their foot down.  They allow it to happen.  They forgive when it does happen.  They forget about it and it happens again.

    For a simplistic answer, I could just say its simply a natural occurrence in the male species.  I dont believe that.  Were not monkeys or lions.  We know its wrong.

    I dont think it has to do with hormones or s*x drive or lack of s*x at home or lack of sexual activities either.  

    I think it just comes down to a guy thinking if he can get away with it, he will do it.

    And more times than not, he does.

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