About 4 years ago, I bought a Leopard Tortoise. We fed it special pellets and lettuce and we even gave him some water. He began to become weak and soon he barely opened his eyes. Me and my father decided to give him to a pet store and in return, get another tortoise. We decided to get a Sulcata. After about a week, he suddenly died, after feeding him special kinds of lettuce. After we brought the first one back, we thouroghly cleaned out the cage to make sure the new one would not catch anything if the tortoise suffered from something spreadable. I just found out that the first one died. For both tortoises, I gave them around 12 hours of UV light. I don't know if they died because they were not strong or because we did something wrong, but it is pretty dissapointing for such an easy animal. I'm not sure if I should get a new one or find a new animal.