
Why do parents? (question inside)?

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Make such a big deal about 13-16 yr. old. Teens getting pregnant? I mean like when a grown-up gets pregnant their all like "Yay! I'm so happy for you!! Way to go!" And when teens get pregnant its like "YOUR PREGNANT? YOUR GROUNDED!" I was just wondering this, I mean random question but yah know? I think its the thought of their kids having s** but that's my thought, what do you think?


P.S: No, I am NOT pregnant I was just wondering this, the secert life of an american teenager show just made me wonder(I love that show!)




  1. BECAUSE they are children!!! babies having babies. Can you support that baby? can you pay for everything they need? can you supply food shelter clothing insurance for 18 years or more for that baby? NO you cant! Adults can(well most of them anyway) teenagers should be enjoying whats left of their childhoods not out having s*x or raising children of their own.

    Maybe when you've matured a little you can see this perspective. But for now, your a kid, don't have s*x, enjoy life, do well in school, go to college, start a career, then you can get married and have children, when your old enough to take care of that baby properly

  2. Along with all the other reasons the other posters stated, parents also know what it's like to have kids and know the stress of it.  They know how much harder their child's and the new child's life is going to be.  Plus they see the dreams of their child, and the dreams they had for their child, severely hindered if not completely crushed.

  3. Because when adults get pregnant, they are (usually) ready for the responsibility, when a CHILD gets pregnant, it usually means that the CHILD gets to make up the 9 months of life they lost while their parents are the ones watching the kid. CHILDREN are not responsible enough to be parents, I'm not saying they can't be good parents, but they are not fully competent parents (on financial and emotional maturity levels) whereas the pregnant adults we congratulate are.  

  4. Is it legal for 13 to 16 year olds to have s*x. Pregnancy is not the worst thing you could get. Secondly are kids that old financially secure? If not that would mean extra financial burden on them. Bringing up a kid is not a joke and you would have to have lots of guts for that. Even nature does not mean for the kids that old to have babies. Upto 18 years the growth is still not complete. The reproductive system is not at its fullest at that time.

    Does my answer explain anything?

  5. because there to young and most of them are not capable of raising a child plus you will miss alot of school and proberly end up droping out with no grades. i am surprised you think its ok for a 13 year old to be pregnant, is your head not screwed on ?

  6. TEens are not working don't have there own  home and have to rely on there parents to support them,.

    Also there body is young and still growing and teen pregnancy can put a huge strain on the body  

  7. what kinda stupid question is this???

    teens are not adults for one!

    two there still consider kids!

    three they cant support a baby!

    four babies are NOT dolls and easy!!

    five they shouldnt be having s*x anyway!!

    list can go on and on.....

  8. Kids should't be having kids and you are a kid till you are 18.

  9. Adults are more experienced and are better prepared to have children. Most adults have good-paying jobs or are at least capable of finding a decent job. They are able to support their children.

    Teens are not as experienced and may not find a job as easily. I mean, as a thirteen-year-old what can you do for money--babysit?? The simple truth is that when teens have children, their parents often find themselves caring for their own child (the teen) and their new grandchild. This is unfair to the teen's parents.

    The teen will not be able to live a "normal" teen life due to having to care for a child. She may not finish school and get the job she always wanted. This is unfair to the teen.

    The baby may possibly be resented or may be limited to necessities, seeing as how the teen is too young to work and provide for the baby. This is unfair to the baby.

    By the way, I'm very surprised that you seriously asked this question. :(

  10. You have to be kidding me with this question.

  11. the big deal is 13-16 yr don't have a career, there own house and there own money to support a child. and most teenage mother let there mom support there child. and the way the world is going even for an adult most fathers leave or they don't care or have 3 or more baby father. so why would we let our teen go through the same thing thats a little hard for an adult. And all guys want is to f*** nothing more especiall if you are young, the younger the stupid-er they want am only 21 and i have two kids am not with my frist child father also we been together for 9 years. but i can stand on my own got a great career ,got my own place. and it's not easy

  12. Because 13-16 year olds are not adults.  When one of my friends gets pregnant, then I am happy for them.  They are adults and can raise their own children.  If my 15 year old daughter were to become pregnant, I would be quite unhappy about it.  I would be the one having to pay her medical bills and possibly raise her child.  Plus it would mess up her future plans for college.  I would never disown her or kick her out of the house, but I would be very disappointed in her.  When you are an adult and can support yourself and your children then you can expect people to be happy if you are pregnant.  If you are still a child living with your parents and being supported by them, then be prepared for them to be disappointed and even angry with you.

  13. Questions like these prove kids this age arn't ready. Life isn't like Juno you don't have a baby send it away and go back to being a kid. I am only 13 and I screwed my life for a while but even I had enough of a brain to not get pregnant.

  14. Yeah.. that's right. parents don't want their kids to be spoiled in the age of 13-16 and they don't want their kids to do the same mistake,what they did.

    13-16yrs is not the age of getting pregnant. Instead should study well and reach there goal.

  15. 13-16 year old KIDS can't take care of themselves without outside help. How can they be expected to take care of a baby as well?

    And it's not just parents who make a big deal out of it. Taxpayers do too, and guess whose paychecks that welfare and public assistance money will be coming from?

    It really has nothing to do with the thought of teenagers having s*x. Every parent knows that, and acknowledges that it happens.

    But teenagers (kids) having kids? That's just stupid, irresponsible, preventable, and unnecessary.

    I'll wait for you to have a child. Then, if your 14 year old gets pregnant, I will expect you to respond "Yay! I'm so happy for you!! Way to go!"

  16. Because most of the time its their parents who are left to raise their baby ..a 13 year old cannot work to support a baby a 13 can not be emotionally ready for a baby they are children themselves, and as a Mum myself i would be devastated if my daughter came home pregnant at 13 ! .

  17. 13 to 16 years of age is still considered a minor, this is a child who can't support themselves much less their own baby.

    Parents get all freaky because parenting should be for adults because:




    most 13 to 16 year olds have NONE of the above and they are not equipped to become parents

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