
Why do people against hunting?

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I just need a simple answer because its my homework. I already got animals get extinct and animals can feel pain.




  1. some people think its inhumane to kill an animal

    like the PETA people

    but GOD put certian animals on the earth for us to eat i personally wouldnt kill something unless i was planning on eating it or in self defense  

  2. idk i love hunting and the meats good

    You should ask the tree huggers lol(not to be mean)

  3. hunting is why animals are going extinct >:[

    it hurts the animals and its stupid to waste life on killing animals just because you are bored.

  4. Accidents happen during hunting season. Sometimes a hiker or camper can be shot by a careless hunter.

    Look at this site that is full of examples of hunting accidents, you can use some for your homework.

  5. Because hunter have guns. People who believe they can't take care of themselves, rely on government. The government hates people owning guns. As Thomas Jefferson once said. When the people fear the government, there is oppression and tyranny. When the government fears the people (because they are armed and can protect themselves) there is freedom and liberty.

    Hunters do not hurt animals. Animals that may be injured, are quickly put out of their misery, and feel no pain. And hunters are not allowed to hunt animals small in number, facing extinction. Those animals live much better lives, and are more compassionately killed, than animals kept in confinement at slaughterhouses. Without them, you would have no meat to eat.

    In fact, sometimes predator animals threaten to render other animals extinct, because killing pray is a fact that happens in nature, rather people like it or not. Sometimes these predators become too large in numbers, and hunters are asked to kill them. Otherwise the animals the predators kill may become extinct.

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