
Why do people do weed?

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I know, it feels good, take your mind of everything. I talk to my friends enough of it I try to get them to stop, if you do it, why do you? Is it hard to stop doing it at anytime?




  1. well i just did it to try it at first but after i became a stoner i found myself less angry, more calm, and actually doing better in school. it just puts you in a better place

  2. No, it doesn't contain any nicotine.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  There's just another example of the hysteria produced by the government's propaganda.

  3. I feel that it helps me unwind after a long day. I have a very busy and stressful schedule that leaves me with very little free time at the end of the day, and by smoking a little, and I mean a very little, I relax, I am hungry enough to eat something, and I can sit down a watch a little TV before I go to bed.

    Some people use pot responsibly and some do not, just like alcohol. And just like with alcohol, if pot is causing an adverse effect to your life then you are using it irresponsibly. Alcohol, statistically, in reality is a far greater greater problem to society than pot. Please don't let other people influence your opinion of things with out actually doing your own research. Smoking pot is by no means a reflection of a person's character.

    Writer_girl: You seem not have any idea what you are talking about. There is absolutely NO nicotine in marijuana. What you are probably thinking about is tar, and in that respect you are partially correct, there is more tar in marijuana. The thing is, you need MUCH less marijuana than tobacco to obtain the effect. So if there is "40%" more tar in marijuana, but you smoke 95% less by weight than only 10 cigarettes(less than most smokers do in one day), well that is relatively easy math, I am sure you can figure it out.

    Your statement that pot is worse than alcohol is simply naive. I have numerous reason why based on personal experience as well as research I did in school(college, not high school), but a very simple one is this. What is the #1 cause of traffic fatalities.......ALCOHOL!!!!.....Not marijuana. Not even close.

  4. Jimmy K, I'm guessing you're a crack-head or you've never done it before. or you're just really naive. I've never done it before, and I don't ever intend to. i think people smoke weed to get a high, and get away from it all cuz they're scared to face their probs, or they're insecure, or they just think it's fun, even thought it has almost 40% more nicotine than a cigarette and is much worse for you, though some people do not believe that. It is worse that alchohol. It's illegal for a reason, and some people do it for just that reason, to rebel. I'd think its hard to quit, but people don't want to. I bet they could if they tried.  

  5. i smoke weed because:

    - it makes me concentrate in school

    - it helps get rid of my headaches

    - i do some of my best writing when i'm high

    - if i smoke before i go to bed, i don't lie awake for hours on end, i just fall asleep.

    - i believe that it unites people. i've met so many different, interesting people in my life, all of whom i would never had known if not for weed.

    - & above all, i love the feeling.

    & as for being hard to stop? i would smoke everyday if i had the money. however, i don't, & so i only smoke a few times a week, & commonly don't smoke for weeks at a time. so no, i don't think it's hard to stop.

    for other people, it can help with more severe diseases (such as cancer, glaucoma, and possibly even atherosclerosis). it's also used for religious purposes.

    & besides smoking it, the cannabis plant produces hemp products! hemp is such a versatile material, and can be useful to everyone.

    i could talk about this a lot, but i'll just stop here. i'll just say, i fully support the use of the cannabis plant, for any reason.

  6. Because it's God's gift to the world =D. Marijuana isn't addicting, so no, it's not hard to stop doing it at anytime. It's a fun thing to do with friends, or even by yourself as some people prefer. It just has a bad social stigma because of all the propaganda spread by the ignorant.  

    Edit: Look at writer_girl for an example of the ignorance I mentioned. Marijuana contains NO NICOTINE. Zero. Nadda. Zip. She has never done it before and casts it off as some terrible drug that the devil has created. And I definitely don't use it as an escape and neither do my friends. It just enhances the activities we do and increases our creativity.

  7. although i have never done weed i think these people just make horrible choices and they get in to deep before they can stop and i have heard it is just like smoking a cigarette....very hard to quit.

  8. Depression makes most people do it. Other people do it for "fun" I personally would never, ever do it.
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