
Why do people liter?

by Guest58008  |  earlier

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How would people like it if we all just threw liter in someones home and lawn. We never cared about what it would look like, or the damage it could do? This is what happens everyday when people liter. People are throwing garbage and waste onto the roads where we live, and are too lazy to throw it away at home. Why do people do this?? Why do they think its ok to throw liter on highways, roads, etc because I know they would not like it if we did it to their homes. This is our world, our home. We need to take care of it so future generations can live healthy and get to enjoy this beautiful world. I have been picking up trash for many weekends now because it bothers me to see junk and trash everywhere when I am driving or trying to enjoy a walk. If my message meant something to you, I encourage you to get out there and help pick up trash in front of your homes. Be careful! Any thing helps!






  1. because they're too lazy

  2. many people liter for convience. it is much easier to throw food out on the sides of the roads, sidewalks, etc. than it is to wait to throw it out in a garbage can.

  3. They just don' t realize that they are trashing their own back yard, or they don't care that someone else will have to clean up after them.

  4. convience. It is that simple. People need jobs and inmates need something to do. I do not litter but by definition litter is trash not in a trash can.

  5. I'd hate to see the inside of some peoples houses! People that empty their ashtrays in front of a convenient store and throw diapers down in the Wal Mart parking lot are throwing pieces of themselves away all the time, because THEY are TRASH! I live on a dead end road, and punks throw their trash in my front yard all the time. Consider the source!! It's sad. If I put a trash can out by the road for them I'd probably have to lock it up!

  6. Because they don't care about the environment.

  7. Real Men Litter! lol ......seriously though, Don't Litter!

  8. Because they don't care. They aren't going to be around for 'the next generation', at least not for more than about 5 years.

  9. lack of respect for our environment, you dont know what you've got til its gone. karma, what goes around comes around.  a little to late.  we as a community need to realize the consequences. (ignorance and taking for granted the blessings we have, and eventually, (will be without). ruthie, our world is a sacred place, too many will find out when its too late, (unfortunately) good for you.  im with you.

  10. I agree, littering is extremely STUPID!

  11. I know, it drives me crazy too. It is pointless and pure laziness and disrespect for our beautiful country. I wish we knew who was doing it so we could pick it up and throw it in their yard!!

    ps.. its litter, not liter.

  12. The main factor for sure is lack of education. I grew up in a country where littering is so normal they don't even understand why I am upset about it. They heard it is bad, but they don't really believe it is true. My friends first heard about it being bad in primary school, when they were 7, from a teacher that did not believe in what she was saying, but only said it because it was part of the curriculum. After class, she was also littering right in front of the students whom she had told ten minutes before that littering was bad. When I was 3 and I threw something on the street, my parents told me it was bad. If I had done it again, I truly hope they would have hit my hand real hard. Once you get used to doing it, you can't change your habits just because the teacher tells you it's bad.

    It might also have a cultural reason. Many people are only concerned about their own little space, and as soon as they get out of their own back yard, they don't care what it looks like.

    I think the only way to change this is through home education. These things need to be taught early. By the time someone goes to school, they might have picked up plenty of bad habits that can never be dropped.

  13. I am sure that there are several reasons. Probably the biggest reasons would be arrogance along with following examples from their parents. If kids see their parents throw away properly they will do it too. Our society is showing some people that the way to get ahead it to be arrogant. Not showing respect to other people and thinking they are better than other people.pp

  14. It's called laziness.

  15. they litter cause they are just too lazy to walk ike 2 metres to the bin so they just toss it on the ground. they should stop worrying about their @$$ and start worrring about the future of earth and many generation.

  16. Because their fat hands can't hold on to a cheeseburger wrapper for more then 2 seconds
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