
Why do people report others......

by Guest57624  |  earlier

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why do people feel they need to report someone after they have read and answered the question. if you don't like where the question is headed why don't you stop reading. or is it like the Salem Witch trails you get your neighbors land if you can prove them to be a witch? help me!




  1. I don't know and I don't particularly care.

    People report other users for some very strange reasons. I've been reported a few times and I just ignore it.

    Now some questions are totally off the wall and should be reported...for whatever reason. If I do report a question, there's a good reason.

    I don't pay any attention to it. Some people have a thinner skin than others and are more easily offended. Others just take an answer or question the wrong way and completely misenterpret it. Oh well.

    Don't let it get you down. Don't sweat the small stuff.


  2. They do this because the question somehow violates Yahoo Answers community guidelines. It's not a witch hunt because Y Answers staff doesn't just delete questions that are flagged. They're reviewed first. People who report just for the sake of reporting lose influence in the community.

  3. People who report are often not well educated, mostly minority, and mostly liberal.

    They have to report you because:

    1. They can't prove you wrong. (I prove that the dogmatism  of diversity and multiculturalism is a lie)

    2. You raise a point that they don't want the average citizen to know about. (How dare I let people know how bad the black on white rape rate really is!)

  4. If a question is reported and ultimately deleted whoever answered loses their points ... so if people are really doing that, your question is valid.  Why would they do that?  It's much easier to just skip a question if you don't like it or find it offending.  It's silly to spend time reading, then answering only to report the question and lose the points.  Silly.

  5. there is no point advantage but for now, Yahoo Answers seems to be a clean discussion site where people share knowledge, so when people get in to mess it up, they must be reported and removed, just to keep it clean and useful. I report offensive, racial or hatred based answers or questions and I get nothing out of it but feels good for doing my part to keep it clean.


  6. Maybe they want the points before they get you booted.

  7. I report questions if I think they violate Y!A guidelines.  However, I figure if the person is reading the question, it may not hurt to tell them what is wrong with their question.  I'm careful though.  I may not answer if I think they are a troll and will block me.  (Trolls are notorious for doing that.  Cowards.)  I want to be able to be on the look out for other questions the trolls might ask.

    As for your points, if you asked the question, you still lose your points.  If you answered the question, I think you still get to keep the 2 points.

  8. Hi, in my place of work people think that they can get up the ladder of success, I have sen then come & go, Genuine people do get reconised take it from me, The a------- Scrapers?????

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