
Why do people ride bicycles?

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Why do people ride bicycles?




  1. because I can!

  2. I like Xsmurfster's point on people who drive to the gym to ride a stationary bike!  To me the bike is the fix-all to many of our problems here in the U.S..  We would use less oil, be healthier on average, and not be in such a hurry as a nation.  Those are the larger scale reason for the cycle.  But me speaking personally, I discovered a love for everything bike several months ago.  Here are my reasons

    1. Going to work on my bike is both a way to wake up and be ready to work, as well as relaxing, harkening back to my childhood days when my bike was my first ticket to playing further from home.

    2. The fitness aspect is great.  Unlike running or lifting you can ride at your own pace and coast when need be. It is low impact, so you won't need a hip replacement when your fifty.  It's exercise in the open, not on a machine that is jammed into a room with a hundred other people all judging each other.

    3. The culture surrounding the cyclist community.  There is a great comraderie for fellow cyclist and I've never been out and come across another cyclist that didn't give me a big grin and wave (maybe I just look funny on my bikeLOL).  And in the bike shops you feel you already know people who are strangers, there is just a certain personality that loves the simplicity of the bike.  

    4.  The bike satisfies both my love and fascination of tinkering with mechanical things, making upgrades and maintaining my machine.  There is a pride for your bike, even if it's a cheapo like mine, kinda like a cowboys horse.

    X.  Up until a few years ago I had a 72' Chevelle SS 454 (that's a musclecar if you're not familiar), that I fully restored when I was in high school.  And I sold it due to school, family, etc..  But I can truthfully say that I get just as much satisfaction per mile on my bike than I did in that car, which I loved.  The car got about eight miles per gallon on a good day, while the bike might need a little chain lube after fifty miles.

  3. to feel alive

  4. For me, it is my personality. I hate cars, because of its smell make me feel carsick. another reason is when you ride your bike, you feel you are in a way to connect with nature, plus, in a car, the air does not circulate around, so you breath over and over your old carbon if it is in the summer, so riding will help you to breath more fresh oxygen. it is also a sport, or a job, like a bike messenger. and it just feels good, it is like god cares of you or something.

  5. the freedom

    it's also great exercise

  6. Well...

    (1. Some people like to help the environment by not using gas.

    (2. Excercise

    (3.They may not have a car.Need a way of getting around.

    (4. Just for fun!

  7. The main reason is because it is cheap, dependable, and fun basic transportation.  It actually saves time over driving a car, especially around town and on my local college campus, where parking is scarce.  It is also good exercise, and it doesn't pollute the environment.

  8. the reason why is that at first it was made to help u workout. but then it became a national hit. then they started racing and bmx and alot of different things so now people use it for workin out, for freestyle bmx, racing, and for mtb

    thats why people ride bikes

  9. Nico D is completely wrong. If he had known anything about cycling history, he would have know that people started using them in the late 1800s as a way of getting around town and in between towns. Back then people where tied to either walking, caring for a horse and/or taking the train. The first case couldn't get you so far and the later two were very expensive. Bicycles were a big hit and it made people realize that they could easy move around at easy and by themselves. Clubs formed to go on rides and do advocacy. Actually, it is thanks mainly to them that roads started to be paved. But to come back to your question, people ride bikes because it's fun: I enjoy the wind in my face, the fresh air (when not stuck in traffic), the sights and the social side of it; it's healthy: need I say more? riding around 50Km per week (about what my daily commute is) is the minimum recommended amount one should exercise and did I mention you can eat all you want?; it's cheap: have you seen the price of gas? insurances? plates? tolls? repairs? and so forth... it's safe: there are less serious injuries per miles travel on a bike than using a car or even walking (mainly because of cars); and last but not least it's socially and environmentally sound. I couldn't stand the idea of being stuck in traffic in a small box. Not able to pull over the cute girl (who has a nice *** because of all the biking) and be able to friendly comment about her ride, the weather or how her hair is beautiful flying in the air. And anyway, If I'm gonna go "slow" I might as well enjoy it. And when you think about it, at average speed of ~25Km/h in the middle of down town, I'm not much slower than a car. And even if I were, I'd still be a, slower, happier person. And then they believe they will achieve that by driving to a gym and riding a stationary bike?

  10. Because is fun, environmentally friendly and the rush adrenaline.

  11. To get somewhere.

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