
Why do people smoke cigarettes ?

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I am a person who aged 33+ has never tried smoking a cigarette, its never appealed to me, its probably the smell of it.

What amazes me is why people continue to buy cigarettes again and again.

People will say smoking is an addiction because of the nicotine in it, but do people actually have any pleasure in smoking ?

Does it calm your nerves or make you happy when smoking ?

Is it just a social thing so your accepted more in society when out with friends ?

I just don't understand why so many people will spend £5 on a packet of cigarettes a day, £140 a month on cigarette ?

The damage to your health is immense, you could die much younger and miss out on so much life has to offer, and it affects your looks by making your skin gray and wrinkly.

So, if your a smoker, why do you do it ?




  1. Smoking is cool..........there is no denying that fact!  I smoked for 15 years and it was the best 15 years of my life.  I am not saying that to be funny.  All the best memories I can think of involve a cigerbutt in my hand.  I've met people around the "ashtray" that I would have never talked to in a million years.  I loved smoking, it's the cancer and consistent colds that I could do without.  

  2. they get the habit from a smoker and they get messed up then they mess someone else up thats how its spread world wide and they get addicted to nicotene.

  3. I'm in high school, and friends of mine that smoke cigarettes, do it to create "an image".  Supposedly, they think they are making themselves cooler.  But i've never understood it either.

  4. i dont smoke, but the reason is simple. because they have nicotine in them which is addictive. so they keep buying more and more  

  5. Because I can and it makes people wonder why. You probably take more time off your life than I do. Puff, Puff, Inhale and blow in your general direction.

  6. I am with you on this.  I hate cigarette smoke so much let alone the fact that as a second hand inhaler I am more prone to catch cancer of any type just b/c I'm next to the smoker.

    It may have started for some as peer pressure wanting to fit in and too b/c of tv and movies and celebs.  Society can lure you in b4 you know it.  I wish for a smoke free world.  

  7. It seems relaxing, but after a while yo can't stop. Most people smoke when they are drunk

  8. Because they can, its called freedom of choice.  

    Why do people drive at high speed like idiots?,

    Why do we allow our government to wage war?

    Why do people sit in the sun and get burnt,

    Why do people take drugs, there are lots of things that are bad for you that we all do.

    Some people smoke because nicotine is highly addictive and they cannot give it up.  Why do you feel you have to know why people smoke when you obviously know why you don't?

    Are you going to do something about it, or just remain smug that you don't?

  9. i smoke because it is hard to give up and yes i do enjoy a smoke and people should look at their so called perfect lifestyles before condemning smokers.Nobody is perfect and we all got our downfalls.Oh and how can you say it makes our skin grey and wrinkly.You need to stop judging people like you are.Suppose you live a life where everything you do is healthy is it?

  10. Because they want to enter the beijing olympics.

    when it becomes their hobbie, they are used to smoking cigarettes, some people smell petrol.

  11. people smoke because back in the old days ppl use smoke to heal their sickness but not they think its better to use it in roll form but really when people first try it it gets addicting and so then they cant stop its a drug u no ppl use them when they dont need to and when they do

    sure they get healed

    but they cant stop smokeing

  12. I've tried quiting smoking on several occasions.  The addiction is what makes it hard to quit once you convince yourself to quit.  But smoking is enjoyable, its a nice release after and accomplishment, sitting back relaxing and having a cigarette. It does help calm your nerves, mostly because it gives you time to sit and calm down i think.  We all know its bad for us, and most of us smokers want to quit.  The addiction is so strong its a huge mountain to climb just to go a day without smoking.

  13. if you live in a council house  

  14. People start just to try it, then when you smoke enough you get addicted to the nicotine.

  15. There are ALOT of things  I never experienced..... I don't understand them.

    Smoking ISN'T one of them.

  16. It's addictive, very very hard to put down. The question you should be asking is why did they start smoking.

  17. Hi,

    I used to smoke sometimes but not addicted to it. There is a different kind of pleasure in smoking. and it is upto person if he can control the addiction or not. adn when it's shown that 1st timers always cough, it's not true. Just try it not as disease/addictive thing but new thing  and people do not think about the money.

    Some times you feel lonely and think of the things adn other stuff while smoking so you feel a bit relaxed..

  18. It gives you something to do with your hands. It's a welcome distraction when driving, and asking for a light is a good way to get talking to a cute guy. And you can get a wonderful sort of happy dizzy feeling... a head buzz.

    It's a social thing. No one buys cigarettes on their 18th birthday and tries them alone. Plus you have to watch other people to learn how to light it, hit it, hold it, etc.  

  19. it smells nice lol

  20. People go through life thinking they are invincible. They "hear" that it's bad for them, but unless some life threatening health problem happens to them or a loved one, they don't really care.

    For some people it's the ritualistic patterns. After eating, getting away from their desk at work, first thing in the morning, etc.

  21. It relieves stress, calms you down, and becomes a habit.

  22. Im also a non-smoker ,I get what your saying

    it amazes me the lengths smokers go to for a smoke -.-

  23. I don't smoke but sometimes if i get really nerves about something i steal one from my dad it seems to help i think people just need something to calm there nerves and its also addictive so people will probably smoke for the rest of there life once they get hooked  

  24. Because we are all stupid. I think you'll find that all the answerers agree with me.

  25. I'm a smoker (26)

    I only smoke cause I'm addicted, it releaves my stresses in life.

    When you take a 'puff' you get this great feeling that everything will be ok..

  26. dont smoke tobacco if u really need to clam ur nerves just smoke some cannabis

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