
Why do people snub people?

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Why do people snub people?




  1. Fear, misunderstanding, not wanting to get involved. Sometimes its just a personality clash that only one party feels. You can't please everyone, don't even try. A snub just  says, "I don't want to be your friend", there are countless reasons, many of which have nothing to do with the snubbed. "I don't need anymore friends, he/she wont like my friends or my friends wont like her/him. A fear of getting too close can keep a person from allowing anyone too get close. Often it can be because of prejudice or misunderstanding. It does feel bad for the snubbed, and creates the impression the snubber is heartless, uncaring and cruel. But the snub, for most people, is the most polite way they know to tell someone to get lost.  It is difficult not to take it personally. But you cant force people to like people. When you figure out how to do that world peace is in sight.

  2. Oh dear, this is probably because of the situation in their lives at that particular moment.

    if one is stressed or disappointed at that particular moment then, they are bound to be snobbish.

    If the person feels like your presence is not welcome at that moment, then you will get that negative answer.

  3. To try and establish dominance over them. To try and maintain social and class lines. To try and hold other people down.

  4. They need to feel special. By undermining others they think they are more powerful, when if facts this makes them show how shallow and weak they are.

  5. to get you to react emotionally.

  6. I don't respond to people who have hurt me who are not close enough to achieve resolution with - Life is too short.

    My sister-in-laws husband chose to snub me when she had had a one-sided row with me.

    I won't bother to respond to him or her ever again because I don't go looking for trouble.

    I don't know if a snub means deliberately cutting where you know youv'e been cut or just avoiding.

    I avoid anyone who hurts me. I wont try to make it obvious but wont go to their aisle in the supermarket whatever.

  7. Because they are insecure snobs who think that they are someone just because of stupid material things..... They have an inferiority complex.

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