
Why do people start rumors? ?

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Have you ever started a rumor? If so, why?

Have you been the target of a rumor? If so, do you know why?

What's your opinion on rumors and why they start and how they circulate?

My friend is the target of a completely made-up rumor right now. She's even had calls from people who KNOW for a FACT that the rumors are not true, yet they feel the need to ask anyway. Why?

I just don't get it...




  1. Yep, I've done it a few times (in middle school). Sometimes, you just gotta spice up your life with a bit of drama, yknow?

    And yes, all of this rumor spreading backfired on me recently in high school. Obviously, everyone who talked about me needed to entertain themselves with c**p that wasn't even  true. We just jump at opportunities to target people under a negative spotlight, I guess. It all starts from one bored person and soon, everyone's talking about it.

  2. yeh i noe wat u mean..its pretty stupid....

    i reckon its lik only a young/kid/junior school thing though....wen i went through dat time i hear rumors but lik always hated the ppl who started dem...nor wud i eva think bout startin one........probably coz they want to get the attention or lik something cool to talk significant.....

  3. i have never started one but been the target lots of time.i don't get it either cause that's no answer but i guess that's life and it wil never change

  4. They start rumors cause they are lowlifes and are bored with their lifes

  5. Its only very malicious people who start rumours on purpose, this doesn't happen very often. I'll tell u exactly how rumours do start..........Ok - this is just an example, its not based on experience or anything. Mr. X and Ms. Y are seen talking together in a bar. They are just friends. Ms. Y goes to leave and Mr. X gives her a friendly kiss on the cheek. Someone they know sees them. This person (Ms. A) says to someone else the next day: "I saw Mr. X & Ms. Y kissing last nite!" The other person (Ms.B): "No way! I thought they were just friends!". Ms. B then bumps into Ms. C and says: "You'll never guess what, Mr. X and Ms. Y are a couple now!. Ms. C: "No way, how do you know that?!". Ms. B: "Ms. A say them kissing in a bar last nite!!".............and so it continues like this until the whole story is fabricated and blown out of proportion. THIS is how rumours start.......

  6. People are either bored or jealous so they start some nasty rumor.

    i heard about a women I used to work with that I thought was a friend start talking about a few things to strangers that I told her in confidence about my son.

    she didn't know one of his friends worked in the same casino as her and it got back to me.

    She was bored and wanted to get some attention, she was old too, like 59 years old to be acting like a dumb kid.

    Anyways, I e-mailed her because I was overseas at the time and told her to F herself and not to ever write or talk to me again.

    i think she was shocked that it got back to me while I was in a different counrty even.

    These things do have a way of bitting someone in the butt in the end.

  7. Some people start rumors because they are bored in life the have nothing better to do with themselves, they just like to "flap their lips,bump their gums" Its kind of like someone with long sharp fingernails scraping across a chalk board that gives off that loud irritating screeching noise, those are the people that just go "Blah,blah, blah, blah blah ,blah yak yak yak yakkity yak, you know babbling idiots I don't pay any attention to rumors or babbling idiots you have to learn not to believe everything you hear

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