
Why do people still eat meat?

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If people don't need to eat meat AND meat causes tons of health problems AND animals have to suffer and die to provide it ... why are people still eating it?

I'm not talking about people in starving countries where they eat anything they can get their hands on.

I'm talking about people in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, etc.




  1. Vegetarianism is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food.

    Self-denial has certain advantages. It is a discipline, and requires effort, and the success makes the person so succeeding feel stronger and more in control. It also makes them feel superior to the rest of us who indulge. We become the weak in their eyes. We indulge in sinful meat eating, enjoying ourselves, while they smile inwardly at their specialness. If we all became vegetarians, they would lose their specialness, of course, and the Christian church has found this many times. People want to know that they alone are going to heaven and everyone else is going to fry in h**l. The church always split every time it got too popular.

  2. Meat provides enzymes, vitamins (B 12.. ), irons and it helps your body to build amino acids and that means that it helps your cells to grow and so much more. Meat is important in our nutrition program. So keep in mind that eating meat is good for you...animals die because of that, but still this is the cicle of the life. If You are a vegiterian, you may eat Meat once a week, but try not to fry it.

  3. Because ignorance is bliss.

    "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."~Paul McCartney

  4. I'm a Lacto-ovo vegetarian.  I eat yogurt, eggs and whey. I would eat beans but I can't eat legumes due to a genetic condition.  I asked my friend why she eats meat even though meat is very inflammatory and therefore makes her arthritis and hot flashes worse. My sister eats meat even though it makes her health conditions worse.  They love the taste of it.  These are basically good people who love animals. They can't imagine a meal can be complete without meat though.  It's the way they were raised and they don't care to change.

  5. We eat meat because we like it.  It is good for you with lots of protein.  I eat veggies and fruit, too.  People have eaten meat since the beginning of time.  If someone chooses to not eat meat, that is fine with me.  So, people shouldn't say I shouldn't eat meat.  Each to their own...

  6. because meat is good and these poor animals will start taking up space and good money if everyone becomes a vegetarian! plus meat provides alot of protein and other essential vitamins that is why meat eaters are much stronger and smarter than veg heads! and it is good for you stupid

  7. Because we enjoy meat.  

  8. People eat meat because it is good for them. Humans evolved to eat meat and the fossil record proves it. Meat provides the best way for the human digestive system to get nutrients. You don't get a large brain eating grass.

    Our digestive system is that of a frugivore with heavy adaptations for eating meat. In fact, most plants are indigestible unless cooked or processed. Even cows have to ferment grass in their rumens and chew it again before it can be digested.

    In fact, a human can survive on a diet almost entirely composed of raw meat with no problems (e.g. the Inuit), while a strict vegan diet requires heroic efforts to get all the nutrition needed. Essentially, a vegan/vegetarian diet is unhealthy and unnatural.

    Grains, beans and other plant sources are a recent development in human history, only being 10,000 or so years old. All the "all natural" fruits we eat are the product of thousands of years of selective breeding.

  9. Because your premises are all wrong.

    Take a look at any primarily vegetarian country and you'll find massive health, sociological, and psychological problems that can be attributed to diet.

  10. 1. Lack of awareness

    2. Never know how meat is produce

    3. They were "trained" to eat meat since young and was given the info that meat is good.

    4. In a produce and consume society, the producers "dictate" indirectly our eating habit and or other stuff without we been aware of the harms and consequences  ...

  11. People don't need to eat ice cream either, but there's no reason to question them on it. Sometimes people eat things simply because they enjoy the taste.  

  12. Because we LIKE it and it's healthy (in moderation) .... Better question:  Why do vegetarians keep preaching at us, and trying to impose their views on everyone else?   GO AWAY!

  13. Because it tastes good to most ppl. That's the only reason... ppl don't care if they are healthy any more or else there would be no fat people. All ppl care about is what makes them feel good. And eating feels good! it doesn't matter what it is or how harmful it is anymore.

    Just like smoking. It will kill you but that doesn't stop anyone. They don't care. it is a short term feel good so they do it anyway.

    For alot of ppl...they don't eat to live... THEY LIVE TO EAT!...

    which is why they are fat. FAT! FAT! FAT!  Do they like being fat? no...I'm pretty sure nobody likes being fat. But they do it anyways. (exept for some ppl who have medical problems with being overweight.)

    So that's my take.  

  14. because i like it, people have been eating meat since the beginning of time, also, if noone ate meat, there would be a huge overpopulation of animals. you should concern yourself with what you put in your mouth,not others.

  15. They eat it because it tastes good.

    Either that or they haven't heard why eating meat is bad for you, the environment, the animals, and the health benefits...

    Hmm Idk

  16. Why do you vegans have such a grudge, you cant change everyone's mind just because you like something

  17. Very good question. Don't exactly know how to answer it but, some people eat meat cause they need the fat/calories in them, some meats are very nutritious and good for you like salmon and chicken.


  18. Because we choose to.

  19. You ain't American, if you ain't eat meat. (:

    ...Whatevs, isz true.

  20. to be quite frank. I do agree that meat eating is unnatural. despite what others have said. I could take time to retaliate to them but I have better things to do.


    I don't think posts like this help us. it just gives these lot /\/\/\/\/\/\, something to joke about and then cast us off as self righteous.

  21. cause ppl are weird and have no heart.... they already know it causes health problems but all they say is that WE NEED MEAT FOR u dont thers vegs that have more protein then meat and is more healthy and has less FAT WHICH IS WHY MOST PPL IN THIS COUNTRY ARE OBEAST...if there was no KFC or bugur king or any fast food that involves meat there wouldnt be as much FAT ppl as there is now...but friend you wont be able to change their mind neither will i...but if you ur self dont eat meat that will make the difference GOOD LUCK and btw check this video out

  22. ...You do need to eat meat

    humans require protean from meat

    and also, THERE ANIMALS!!!!!

    there key purpose on this planet is

    so we can eat them

  23. A mixture of the following:

    1. They don't see how the animals are treated prior to slaughter.

    2. They don't see how the animals are slaughtered (and some of the SOAB don't even care)

    3. They have no idea the additives and colourings added to their meat and meat products.

    4. They have no idea what what the word 'cholesterol' means.

    5. They were bought up in a meat and two veg family and believe that is how it should be.

    6. They have no idea how to make vegetarian food palatable

    7. They think we live on lettuce leaves and bean sprouts.

    8. They have no idea about nutrition, you only have to sit outside McDonalds to see this.

  24. Mostly because they have no idea about any of those things you mentioned.  I think it needs to be expressed more.

  25. It tastes good and provides lots of protein - which our body needs. There are benefits in eating meat, just as eating fruits and vegetables.

  26. it is tasty. if its slower than me or dumber than me i'll eat it.

  27. people have canine teeth. we are designed to be omnivorous. part of the reason for the success of our species is the ability to eat a diversity of foods. i think people eat too much meat, but i also think as animals, we need a certain amount to balance out our nutritional needs.

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