
Why do people think this?

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Ok i just asked a question and i guess people either dug into my life or something.

They were saying things that they didnt know at all.

They dont know me, they dont know what experinces i have, what i know.

If i didnt put it in the question then how do they know.

Answers like it seems to me that you dont know enough about breeding, and foals, and training.

that makes NO SENSE!

I have been around horses my whole life!

I have been riding for 5 years straight. but i rode my first horse when i was 6, and he was a stallion.

and answers that say educate yourself, you need more money.

ok i have read so many books, interntet everything. and i have the money to do it.

so why do they think that they can just assume something that isnt true?

has this ever happened to you?

i hate it when people cant just answer the question.




  1. something very interesting that I heard recently is that nothing is ever personal. people who have to insult u are doing it for some internal reason that they can't let out any other way. also, people think its funny to say stupid things and be obnoxious. don't worry about them!

  2. People love details, good punctuation, good grammar and wording.  When you can't even write out a question without sounding like a 5th grader then I promise you won't get the respect you deserve.  You need to inform people on why you are making these decisions because if you leave it up to the public they tend to assume different things.  Try not to take the whole situation too personally, it is an online forum and you are asking for other people's opinions and they aren't always going to be nice or what you want to hear.  As to your other question...get the mares but don't breed them, this country is far too populated with unwanted, ugly, grade horses.  I haven't seen any pictures of your horses but unless they have phenomenal bloodlines, amazing conformation, and some good work under their belts there is really no need to breed.

    EDIT:  Gah...I don't even know why I am responding to this are a brat BRAT BRAT!!  If you started riding when you were 6 and have now been riding for 5 years wouldn't that make you 11?  You need to leave this forum and maybe go do some homework about horses, read a book, look at a rescue, go to this website ... ... you think the Yahoo answerers are being mean, I can only imagine what she would have to say to you.  I am not *jealous* of you or your horses, and I love them just as much as you do sweetie pie.  Oh yeah...learn how to spell!  People like  you should not be allowed to breed horses, EVER.

  3. I have been around horses my whole life!  I have been riding for 5 years straight, but I rode my first horse when I was 6 & he was a stallion.

    What does the horses gender have to do with anything???

    You are what?  11?  & yet you have read many books, internet everything?

    Just because I read a book on brain surgery, it does NOT make me a brain surgeon.  I know everyone has to learn somehow, but you cannot learn everything you need to know from a book.

    I think you are off on a tangent that was caused by your own inability to properly ask a question & provide adequate details.  I think you got the types of answers your question deserved.

    Sorry, but that's the way it goes kid!

  4. No one is jealous that you're going to have foals, believe me.  The people who are telling you not to breed are people who actually CARE about the horses, NOT just the sport.  There ARE horses that should NEVER be bred unless they are exceptional, because they are the only ones that are going to have a fighting chance at a good life.  You breed anything but that, and there's an awfully good chance it will end up on a truck to Canada or Mexico..even GOOD horses are going to slaughterhouses.  You say you want to keep the foals, that's great, except you cannot guarantee that you will be able to keep them just can't.

  5. Maybe if people were not seeing so many of these "gifts from God" being tortured as they are transported to their slaughter since their owners can't afford them and there's no more room at the rescue farms, and maybe if the flooding and gas prices and everything else skyrocketing out of control was not real and there would be another "gift from God" that made that all be gone...poof...then maybe people would give you the answers you want to hear.

  6. Well I guess some people want all the details cause they think it will give them a better picture of what is going on.

    People going on self -righteous rants or digging into personal details are wrong but sometimes we need to know about your exeriences to better answer your questions.

  7. wow you're a brat! A brat who can't handle the truth!


    Ok you need to chill out seriously you are taking this way out of hand and need to stop! People aren't being mean they are giving you the truth and you need to suck it up! You are acting like you are three!Grow up!

  8. I read your last question and truthfully was at a loss on how to answer "do you think this will work?" It was a very vague question but yes, if your mares conceive then I guess foaling them would work? Would WHAT work?

  9. Quit complaining.

    It's Y! answers.

    Oh and by the way, no ones jelouse of you. You're only 11, I usually have no problem with age. h**l, some young ones are smarter than older ones. But hey, Emily hit the nail on the head, you are a bit of a brat---and brats arent very good with horses. You need to wise up and realize you're not the only one in the world who knows how to ride a horse and you DO NOT [nor do I] know everything about horses.

    Oh and by the way. Just because you can saddle up a horse and go riding out in a round pen does not make you skilled at riding. Try cutting little girl, i'd like to see you do such a sport like that.


    Happy Trails.

  10. After reading your previous question I can obviously see why you got the responses you got. You really do sound like you're a novice when it comes to horses. You're right though, I don't really know you, nor do I really know how much horse experience you have. I can however make an educated guess regarding your experience. If you are planning to breed horses you're getting from auction you don't have any idea what you're doing. The only thing that could come of that is MORE horses ending up at the auctions. The reason people can't just simply give you a "yes" or "no" to a question like that is because we care about horses. We don't want to see someone hoarding horses just to have them and breeding poor-quality horses to add to the already over-population of poor-quality horses. Those are the horses that will end up headed to the slaughter house. If we can try and say anything that might make you change your mind when it's oh-so-obvious that you're making a huge mistake we will, because we care.

    EDIT: By the way, learning some proper grammar and spelling wouldn't kill you. You sound like a blabbering idiot.

  11. Your question asked if people thought your brilliant idea would work. Did you want everyone to lie and say yes? It was a bad idea. If you didn't want people to say their opinion, you should have asked something else!

    We're jealous because you are breeding low quality horses?

  12. Do you know how ignorant you you know the saying "I think though protests too much" I read your other question and your rant just has no merit, you cant even spell correctly and your punctuation is horrible that gives me reason to assume....that you are under 18. I have been in the biz for 30+ years and still dont know everything its always a learning process and Breeding right now is not only selfish but just stupid. I can guarantee that by your posting that none of your so called breeding stock horses are of good quality. I put 10's of thousands of dollars into just promoting a decent show horse and thats no guarantee that they will get into a breeding program. If you think your soooo smart lets see some pics of your fantastic horses and let us judge quality???

  13. I didnt see your pevious question but im sorry you are having a bad time on here. Some people just speak their mind and dont think about what other people think. I'll look at your previous ? and see if I can anwser it for you

    Okay I looked at the question and yes your plan will work but if it was me I would start of slow so you can pay more attention to the foals when they are born and that way you can spend more time with the foals unstead of having too many foals and not enough time to spend with them. Good Luck in whatever you chose!!!

  14. ok so you have five years exp starting frm age six which puts you at 11

    a) you are too young to be on this forum

    b) 'no horse is ugly'??? wtf there are so many horses out there that die because of porr conformation care and handling

    c) no one should ever have put a six year old on a stallion and since that who you learn from that what you will be passing along in this world


  15. Thats happen to me. I tell them everything they need to know. They just need to know more about you for NO reason.

  16. yes, totally. people wouldn't tell me the answer, they were just like "look it up at Google..." and "it costs a lot of money...". it got me sooooo annoyed. i think people do that just to get the 2 points. they should get a life.

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