
Why do people think this ?

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I just got my lip pierced ( labret ) earlier today for my b-day ..

and i just found out that people say that, that piercing is for lesbians !

why would ppl think that ?

and now im all WTF?!?! but i love it, like i think it looks awesome ..

but now people are probally gunna say im a L*****n, which im not !

and my friends like it so much, that they want it done ...

what should i do ? ..and i really dont want to take it out

if ppl say i'm L*****n, should i try to ingore them or what?





  1. Well you be yourself and if u like it keep it no matter what other people have to say. A lip piercing doesn't make some one a L*****n!

  2. Yeah. The labret is g*y.

    It rhymes!

    Tegan used to have one..

    ..mmmm, Tegan... :D

    Uh. Just ignore them.

    If you're not, then you're not!

  3. in the middle?

    yea many ppl think that..

    you should get it on the side alittle bit [doesnt matter which one]


  4. I'll tell you what I think when I see someone with a face piercing (regardless of where on their face it is)...I think about what kind of permanent hole or scar it's going to leave about 15 years from now when this silly fad passes away.

  5. Ignore them. Lip piercings are awesome! I've never heard anyone say that it's for lesbians but it's such an ignorant comment so don't listen to them. Keep the piercing!

  6. pfft.. it's like they say all guys are skinny effeminate and flamboyant.. but I know straight guys like that and g*y guys who aren't (including me)

    it's just a piercing... who cares what other people think? you and your friends like it, and other people will just have to get used to it.

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