
Why do plants go through photosythesis?

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its for my science plant book




  1. From what ive learned in the past, plants go through photosynthesis in order to make food for themselves, and oxygen for the air.

  2. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants create their food (sugars).

  3. Plants use sunlight as an energy source to produce sugars and all other necessary organic molecules.  By using sunlight, plants were able to invade land reducing damaged caused by aquatic organisms that ate them.  The process uses carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to form all the organic molecules need to survive, grow and reproduce.  We eat the plants and breathe the oxygen produced from photosynthesis.  Have you thanked a plant today?

  4. Plant use photosynthesis to create nutrients for themselves.

  5. photosynthesis makes ATP, which everything living uses as an energy supply. it has systems to make sugars, like cellulose, which it uses in the cell wall

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