
Why do police keep searching me.

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every time me and my friends walk around town or go skateboarding some cop always searches us. I'm pretty sure he cant so that without a warrant, but he says its on suspicion. but he has searched me like 50 times and only 3 times have i gotten arrested. cant he just give it a break?




  1. because they think they are the world's gift since they wear half an inch of metal everyday.

  2. For a person (as opposed to a vehicle search), a police officer may search you without a warrant if:

    1-you consent

    2-incident to arrest

    3-if the plain view doctrine applies

    4-for protective frisks and sweeps

    5-exigent circumstances.

    The fourth ammendment is the basis for the exclusionary rule.  This court ruling prohibits use in a criminal prosecution of evidence that is discovered or siezed through violation of a person's constitutional rights (aka, reasonable expectation to privacy).  If your rights have been violated, you have standing to invoke this rule and have the evidence excluded.

    He most likely has some sort of reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, and that you have committed said crime.  Being arrested 3 times doesn't exactly help your circumstances either...

    Simply, obey the law, stop doing what got you arrested in the first place, don't do anything illegal, and you'll be fine.

  3. well if you have been arrested like 3 times that no suprise.

    but if the same cop keeps searching you like 50 times and finds nothing take his badge number a witness and file a complaint because that is too excessive.

    they would only search you if they suspect something,

    you shouldtake steps to stop them giving you a reason for getting arrested in the first place.

  4. What part of town are you in or what State is this? These cops should be filed with complain, there are more serious crime than freezing you guys skateboarding on a near by supermarket, there are hoodlums and robbers out there why not take it on them why you guys have to be frisk all the time.

    You never approach your town council about these yet, you should  and identify those cops who search you for 50x everytime you and your buddy over there are skateboarding.

    Wait a minute, are you guys or are you black? Figures. But this is still  not an excuse to frisk you guys. Go file a complain.

  5. Only three times were you arrested?? The police officer if he /she has probable cause, can search for weapons. If you are known to the officer, and you were convicted of a crime,, say drugs, for example, then I am not surprised they stop and search, under probable cause.  

  6. They wanted to arrest you and be careful.

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