
Why do ppl hate SONY?

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i mean they all ways say there things suck and and expansive well you get what u pay for i got my ps2 weeks after luanch and i still have it works like when i first used it,I got this sony camra and ive had it for years so why buy somthing cheap that lasts a short tme when pay extra bux for somthing that lasts long?




  1. I love Sony.  My Sony camera, tv, etc.

  2. i think they do because they dont understand it.

    only reason i can think of is that they cant afford it.

    i wouldnt settle for anything less than a sony.

    (exept maybe Dell) but another story.

    but when it comes to sound systems sony to me is not the best brand to go with.(car decks amps and woofers)

    but other than that electronics by sony are top of the line things.

  3. Sony's many times been very arrogant in thinking they can force their own formats down their customer's throats even if there are existing standards in the rest of the industry. Examples include minidisc, psp umd, memory sticks, Transferjet (wireless USB), and their messed up power connectors. They look to lock-in all the time and expect you to pay 3 times for your movies and music for each of their formats. Let's also not forget the whole rootkit fiasco where Sony thought customers wouldn't mind them checking in on their computer whenever Sony wanted. Oh yea, Dual Shock controllers versus SixAxis? Apparently Sony doesn't care you just spent $500 on their console that didn't play quite as many PS2 games as Sony said it would.

    Most of that could be blamed on the DRM side of Sony Entertainment, but until Sony splits up, this is the way Sony will remain. TechCult has more on some of the other stuff Sony pulled.

  4. Sony is great! the products are quite expensive but you're paying for quality.

  5. Coz the ps3 is c**p! but everything else they make is cool, so I like em! so I think your right.  

  6. Sony's products are low quality compared to others. They've caused me to lose many hours of game play with a faulty demo disc and didn't care. They have little support for good games and they force things down peoples throats (Blu-ray anyone??).

  7. alot of people don't really like them because they think their too expensive. so what they do, is just say they don't like them because they can't afford them. people tend shun things they don't understand.

  8. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fanboy. I love all the consoles equally as much as any fanboy loves their favored console, but I think you're right. I think it's stupid that people rip on Sony and on the PS3. Sony is actually a very nice company. Even though the PS3 is very expensive, they actually lose money for each console they sell, for it costs a lot more to make a PS3 than the retail price we buy them for. I think its very sweet of Sony to take the hit and lose a ridiculous amount of money for all the consoles they're selling, yet people still ***** about the price. I actually like Sony for what they're doing with the PS3. The Blu-Ray games give the gamers higher quality video games. Not only that, but all of us are going to have to buy a Blu-Ray player eventually. DVD players will die eventually (well not for a long time actually, but it will happen). It may not seem like it at all but give the Blu-Ray discs two or three years and it will replace DVDs..... Yeah. Sony is a great company now that I think about it. They're just trying to kick the market into higher and better technology. The PS3 has an amazing awesome super-processor. Most people actually call the PS3 the "super-computer".

  9. If you bought a PS2 right away and it still works, you are one of the lucky few. Most gamers are on their second or third PS2 because they tended to break after a bout 500 hours of use.

    And yes, Sony does copy:

    Nintendo puts an analog stick on their N64 controller, Sony feels the need to add two analogs into the PS1 controller.

    Nintendo makes a motion-sensing controller, Sony decides to throw out their Boomerang control design (which despite later statements was the official controller for the system) and add motion sensing onto a Dual Shock.

  10. i like sony but they are kind of expansive but they droping prices sadly tho to do it they drop playing ps2 games from it which is all i do with new systems when i frist get them is play last system games so i might not get one till another year when it abit lower haha also at least they finally giving us back the 80g oh well i  guess we all can play old games like xbox and the wii (cough cough)

  11. Uh sony if i recall at a video interview said that the prices are high but its worth it but the xbox 360 has better graphics and is for the game when the ps3 is only good 4 movies and if u want a bluray by it dont buy a ps3 and get bad graphics

  12. Alot of people dont like them because some of there products break alot.

    And as far as gaming gose they are very unoriginal and steal ideas from other companys to compete.

  13. because it's their excuse to not buy sony and buy crappy korean brands (mmmm samsung)

  14. People hate various brands for various reasons. This is really true for game consoles. (That's what you call a fanboy). Fanboys (or girls) profess their love for a certain console and tend to hate all others without really having to justify themselves. My advice, just ignore them, or try to inform them if you care enough. All major companies are out there to make money, so they're all "evil" in that sense. Nintendo is no better than Sony or Microsoft.  

  15. Because people are stupid. How the h**l can you hate Sony. They are the kings. No one will ever be better. I still have my Play Station 1, and even play it sometimes. I have two Play Station 2. One fat, and one slim. I got the Play Station 3 the day it came out. I have never had a problem with any of them. I don't get where people say they break down. I think it is that people don't know how to take care of there stuff. I will only buy Sony. I am going to Japan soon. I am going to the Sony building when I go. I am going to walk in, get down on my knees, and kiss the ground. That is my Grace Land. Long live Sony.

  16. because their haters sony is the best brand  

  17. Well, to be honest play station 2 wasn't exactly the highest quality. I mean, the quality of the machine it's self wasn't that great to begin with. When I first bought mine, some of the wires and stuff inside came loose within a week. And yours might have lasted until now, but a lot of people I know didn't even have theirs for a month before it broke. And after a couple refunds they eventually found some that worked though.

    And about the whole copying thing, well the reason that PS3 doesn't have rumble feature in their controllers was because they copied it off of a company that already had it copyrighted, so they weren't aloud to use it.

    Most of the "I hate sony" come from gamers though, FPS and xbox fans who just don't like the style of gameplay that most PS game offer, Japanese roleplaying games.
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