
Why do scientist design experince?

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about a scientist why do they design experince




  1. Consult your translation book and try again.

  2. Scientists need to continually develope more efficient experince to keep up with the harsh demand of todays world. With all the video games and fast food resturaunts, experince is a vital product. There is a lot of money in developing more efficient experince for this reason.

    Does that help?

  3. Why not delete and ask you're question again?

  4. Do you mean experience or experiment?

  5. Your grammar is so bad, I can't possibly understand what you are trying to ask...

  6. oh...wait!  do you mean...

      -  why do scientists design experiments?  -

    >They want to prove something to be true or not true.

    >They design a set of tests that give results in a way they can measure.

  7. I would love to understand what you're saying. I can't make heads or tails of it though.

  8. Lachele, your question makes no sense. You need to get a dictionary and find the correct word. Your use of " experince" is meaningless.

  9. Scientists use "EXPERIMENTS" to prove, or disprove a theory.

    They use what is referred to as the "scientific method"

    That method demands that any change created has to be something that can be and is measured. It also has to be repeatable.

    If it can't be measured and if the experiment can't be repeated, then there is NO VALID PROOF.

    If something can't be proven, then it is, from the viewpoint of science, not something useful or possibly not even real.

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