
Why do some people crave power?

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Rich people?

Are they really motivated by power?

If they are, why are they?

Have you ever met someone obsessed with power?




  1. Tough one there and many people may not admit to this..but what the hey, you want honesty, here goes.

    I grew up the baby of three girls.  My oldest sister was the smartest of us three, I believe she still is.  My middle sister was the beauty amongst us and I was the ugly duckling that struggled to even get some attention because I wasn't as smart as my oldest or as pretty as the middle child.  Mom would always compare my looks and intellect.  

    I wanted power to prove that a nobody, as I thought I was for many years, can achieve great success.  I worked my way up the chain and became a manager in the automotive industry just to prove my point.  Dad would always push the issue that a woman couldn't do a mans job, "Oh really?" and Mom would say, "You can't do it alone"..."Oh really?"

    I will admit, with power came a high price.  I had to be a great leader and earn the respect.  Luckily for me, I have but the price will always be there, now that I am where I am, I have to constantly prove that I can still do it, gets tiring after a while and even I can admit, that having Power doesn't always mean you're in the right or doing the right thing.  Hope that helps.  Yes, it is selfish as someone stated before, but I know when I'm wrong and will admit to it as well.  I am selfish in a way.  I think we all are in one way or another.

  2. Freud said every problem can be traced back to th patient's childhood, If someone craves power, possibly because he/she lacks it in childhood, the patient lacks sense of security, so when they grow up, the seek power to protect themselves.

    Same for money hungry people, they lacked money when they were young.

  3. Power can make it possible for a person to have his/her way.

  4. Fulfilling selfish needs . . .

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