
Why do some people hate squirrels

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i built a corn tree to feed the little squirrels in my yard,and put up 10 bird feeders for the birds and squirrels,and some of my neighbors say i'm crazy for that.they say it will cause me problems.i dont see how.all gods creatures have to eat. right.




  1. Good for you, I have also started to feed the squirrels ever since my boyfriend has started feeding them bread regularly, almost daily.  It is one of his habits that has worn off on me.  I think people who have dogs tend to adopt the attitude of their dogs, which is predatory.  Dogs hate squirrels = people hate squirrels, too.  But they are so cute.  In So Cali, it is hot and hard for them to find things to eat and drink, so we also have water out for them.  One squirrel was so overheated that he couldn't move and I offered him a bowl full of water right up to his face.  How can you hate a creature as vulnerable as that?

  2. I love squirrels, and think they are really fun to watch. They

    used to always come to my dads house, and he actually

    had named some. he fed them daily, and there was one

    who would actually retrieve food right from my dads hand!

    One day when my dad had not fed them as usual, this one

    particular squirrel had found its way into dads kitchen, and

    actually ransacked the place, causing a big mess!

    So keep that in mind if you are feeding them regularly!

    Other than that, sit back and enjoy another one of Gods

    creatures, no matter what others may say!

    They really are pretty smart!    :)

  3. i don't hate bruiser ( yes he has been named ) but I have stopped feeding him as much! First off he has brought all his pals over and now there is no less then 10 hanging around my place fighting for the food that is there. Then the kicker the thing that made me mad !! He dug up all my flower bulbs ...little sob!

    But really hes just a squirrel and i do like him a lot - hes very entertaining ! one day I left the back door open and he came inside and when i looked over and we locked eyes he went potty on my floor !! I guess they do that when they are scared. lol

  4. I agree; the squirrels are going to be there whether you feed them or not. I have learned to live with them. They destroyed my thistle feeder and so I put them on wires to keep the squirrels off.

    But I feed the squirrels nuts and make sure they have a variety of food. I love watching there antics

    My dad bought pecans to hand feed them. I would watch him he got so much joy from it. He was a reformed squirrel hunter.

  5. there scary because they can bite you

  6. Are you my neighbor?   All things in balance.  I have paths through my yard from the squirrels, I've re-seeded spots in the yard 4 times this year, all of my peaches from two peach trees are gone, half my berries are gone despite being covered with nets, there is bird c**p all over everything outside, chipmunks are burrowing all over my landscaping and under my patio and sidewalk, causing them to crack, I can't walk out my back door without 100 birds taking flight, and so on.  At night there are up to 12 raccoons and unknown number of rats and possums.   I'm just praying that none of the squirrels decide to habitate my attic.  There is just  way more vermin that natural limits would otherwise dictate.  My neighbor has just affected the life of everyone in the neighborhood.

    TEN BIRDFEEDERS!?!  Good God, get sane.

    As an analogy, what would you say about a neighbor that has six dogs running free, digging up your garden, peeing on your vegetables, and sleeping on your flower bed?   I really don't see a difference.  Dogs have to do all these things, right?

  7. I love squirrell..very tatsy rolled in flower,salt,pepper,and garlic then pan fried with some homemade gravy and bisuits..sorry..but i was raised in the country..we harvested squirrells all the time as a necessity for food...

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