
Why do teens do this?

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Why do they wanna have babies early in life.Theye are so young and to know

that all they have to do is have s*x once and poof they are preggers and

their futures are in the toilets and most of what they wanna do in life is

now gone.I used to be that way to though.And if god puts babies in their

lives to change them why is it always the bad boys and the good respectable

ones that all parents want their daughters with.




  1. not all teens are like that


  2. The reason is simple: They want babies! But, it's wrong to have a baby when you're not married, because who would help with the baby? What if the father walked out?

  3. pshh..!

    Its called hormones mate..!

    working their charm.!:-P

  4. Children are being brought up so differently then what we were brought up. When I was young there was of course teen s*x, but you NEVER wanted to get caught, now most teens don't even care if they are caught or their parents are acutally giving them permission to have s*x. So when your parents are that willing for you to grow up so soon, they why wouldn't you think you are also mature enough to have a baby? A lot of parents that I see, don't even know where their children are let alone what they are doing. I haven't lived with my parents iover 18 years and I still have enough respect for my parents to listen to what they have to say and if I am not going to be home I will let them know ahead of time so they are not worried about why I've been gone or days. I was a teen who wanted to have a baby as soon as I could, but not really while I was still a teen and definitely not single, I wanted marriage and then children, but that is also how my parents were raised and we were given real reasons why that is best and that is how were raised.

  5. I love how everyone insists that becoming pregnant at a young age completely destroys any aspirations in which the young mother/couple may have had but it does not. If the young lady/couple truly believed in their ability to fulfill their dreams they could. Most who don't only use getting pregnant as an excuse as to why they never went further. I have known plenty of  young people who have had children either in school or right out of school who have become rather successful (maybe not with their initial dreams but enough to live comfortable) and never look back, loving every moment with their children. Some are not as dedicated to their dreams, fall behind and either accept responsibility for their actions (I just stopped caring) or will wrongly blame the child who was a "mistake".

  6. thats not totally true. not all teens wanna have babies. sterotype much??

  7. Because they dont understant the consequences of unprotected s*x, and let their abundant hormones get in the way.

  8. I agree ! Not all teens want to have kids, but there are some out there who do. The only reason I would want a kid woule be for the fun part babies are. Not the gross, smelly, expensive side. I see that side every day: I have 5 siblings under the age 2.5. I know that s*x results in babies, and am not going to have unprotected s*x, until I am married and actually want a child. Teens don't see that a baby costs a lot of money. Someone has to teach them, but teaching can only go so far. Someday, they will realize how stupid they were.

  9. A lot of teenagers don't intend to get pregnant.  s*x education is  sadly lacking in most states.  A lot of places teach abstinence only, which does not help those teenagers who choose to have s*x.  Having a baby can ruin the life of a teenager and make all of their dreams evaporate, or it can help them mature faster and turn into a respectable adult.  Teenagers have the choice and will do what they want to do, it would just help if they were more informed.  They'll have s*x whether you tell them not to or tell them to, so why not teach them how to be safe about it?

  10. excuse me- im 18 and pregnant, can you explain to me why 'my future is in the toilet?'

    Im still doing exactly what i wanted to do, studying teaching through university by corrospondence, sure, id be on campus if i wasnt pregnant, but i just had to adjust it a little. and personally, i would rather be living in a home with the father of my child. my boyfriend is not 'a bad boy' hes responsible, owning our home and his own business.

    i may not be able to travel overseas or do anything exciting right now, but i'd prefer to wait until I am old enough and have the funds to do it in style rather than 'back pack' all over Europe like some of my friends.

    I didnt WANT to have a baby, it never crossed my mind, but these things happen, and to say someones life is gone because of it is ridiculous.

  11. huh?

  12. usualy teens who have s*x r really stupid.they often r wasted and don't use a condom and the girl probably isn't on birth control... So basicly teens like that do not know what they r doing

  13. Not all teens want this most of them just want s*x but the are a little stupid to notice the possible after affect

  14. they all dont want to have babies. some of them want to enjoy life before all the responsibilities that are thrown on them when they have babies.

    for the ones who have nothing else to do in life, THEY MAKE BABIES. just to add some flavour to their life. but sadly it doesnt turn out that way. the guys leave the prego girls in search of the next one.. so yeah its hard to explain why they do this..they just do.

  15. okay buddy. I am a teen mom i got pregnant at 17 had my daughter at 18 and now i am going to be 19 in 7 days. And i have a 9 month old daughter. And what i want to do in my life is NOT gone. I am still in high school will be done in December and i am going to a one year college to become a nurse. YES it may be taking longer but it sure can be done. And something else my boyfriend is still with me and is working a great job to support us has has ALWAYS been their for me. He is very respectful and has never said anything hurt full to me. Yes little fights once in awhile but nothing serious. We work it out. And my family loves him very much. So stop stereotyping.

  16. as a teenager from just a few years ago I can honestly say you just don't think about the consequences. There are so many hormones going through your body that you just crave the s*x without thinking. The reason that the "bad" kids usually get the girls pregnant is because they don't take precautions or practice safe s*x.

  17. y dont u mind your own

  18. Because teens are stupid.

    Young= stupid

  19. Why do people feel compelled to bash those who do not share their beliefs? If you are relying on the bible then here's something for you:

    John 8:7 " If any of you is without sin, let him be the first one to throw the first stone."

    Matthew 7:1-5 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

    Mind you, the bible isn't always so nice particularly towards the ladies:

    Matthew 5:31-32 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must giver her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery."

    Point is, no matter what you do according to the bible is wrong but you are not supposed to tell anyone what they are doing is wrong.
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