
Why do the most deadly animals...?

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Who do the most deadly animals live in hotter climates?

And why is it usually the much smaller animals which are the most deadly (poisonous reptiles, bugs, jellyfish.. (mainly the smaller ones))?




  1. i live somewhere where there are coyotes, grizzly, black beard wolves. it's common to come in contact with them here and they are deadly... i don't live in a hot climate

  2. the reason for the warm climate question, is because it encourages more life. With that much competition for food and survival organisms evolve more deadly entities. It is probably smaller ones, because it something larger had that kind of power, it would be at the top of the food chain.

    its all about how things evolved. if they needed a better defense mechanism, they developed one. the smaller the animal the more likely it needed to develop something unique in order to survive. once it does, why would evolution push it to grow bigger, it is already surviving just fine small and deadly.

  3. You've basically answered your own question but don't know it.

    Think about what happens in the hottest climates - drought, heat related deaths, lack of food and water, and survival of the fittest.  Going by this, it's obvious that only the meanest, strongest, and deadliest animals can survive.

    As far as the smallest, again you've answered your own question.  The smallest species must have a pretty absolute protection system because they aren't big enough to fend anything off.  Therefore, most of them are naturally given the most deadly defense systems.

  4. because they are on they bottom of the food chain if their small which means over the millions of years they evolve toxins and usually bright colours to warn other animals that there poisonous and tree frogs are the most deadly certain ones have enough poison to kill 30 people

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