
Why do think this way?

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I really think there is something wrong with me! I have an anger problem that is so short I blow up with no time to think about it. I also have this undying hate towards some people and I really hate that I feel that way. Then there is this thing where I try and s***w up my own reality by asking myself theseabsolutelyy absurd questions like "you know this could be fake so why bother?" and " Why do you even care these people don't care so why should you?" I mean I know I hide my true feelings butthat'ss for protection, but I really have no clue how to deal with this!! It's like being imprisoned in my own head and the only way out is to lie or believe what others say, and I ABSOLUTEY hate doing both

so what the h**l do i do? :*(




  1. Ok...if you want to handle this yourself I would suggest to start by being positive about parts of your life. There are things in all our lives that are lovely, that we are glad for...start by being grateful for those.

    Next start intentionally catching yourself being angry and find some way to turn it around.  It takes effort and patience with yourself.

    Remember that teen girls are slaves to their hormones as boys are but differently...they can be really angry and mean.  You will outgrow much of the hormonal anger but you will continue in the habit of anger if you don't break that habit now.

    Guard your thoughts...push out the constant reminders of how others have wronged you.

    Make some effort to do something nice for someone.


    It takes practice but you can overcome the anger and replace it with optimism and kindness and understanding.  You're very young still and your habit of anger is quite new...much easier to break now.

    I admire your wisdom in recognizing that there is a problem.

    You seem strong.  

    God bless you my dear, you'll do fine.  

  2. well, u need a doctor. teen years are the worst, hormones everywhere, feelings disrupted and if you don't sort it out now you could grow into one seriously messed up puppy. you sound like you have some issues that only a doc could do something about like give you meds and set u up 4 therapy. if you really abhor the idea of telling your family, tell a school counselor. tell your parents you joined debate club after school but really go to a therapist or support group. i don't normally advocate lying to ur parents and i wish you wouldn't now. you're not thinking clearly and you need to tell them. if they don't take you seriously enough to actively help at least they will know. gd luck

  3. talk to your doctor first.

  4. well.. i think just think about what your gonna say before you say it. i guess thatll help you not blow up and have smart things to say to others. so you wont hurt them. just stop hating! calm down and think. lying doesnt do any good on your situation. believing on something that you think would help is good.  Its okay if you s***w up,  that happens to everyone. just try hard to be calm and think think think!  

    ask god. go to church
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