
Why do ugly people get manicures?

by  |  earlier

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so today i went to get my nails done and i dont consider my self really pretty but come on im not that ugly like that girl that was sitting next to me.. she had like 50 pimples on her cheeks. and she was really pale. and her jeans were falling off her *** and she was really fat..i got sick.




  1. Worst personality...

    I hate people like you and im sure im not the only one

  2. ppl do whatever they wanna do, and ppl shouldnt be putting them down, and lowering their self esteem like that! and who knows, they could be saying the same things about u behind their back! So to answer your question, anyone, beautiful or ugly, can get a manicure, and they shouldn't have gals like u putting them down like that. And remember, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

  3. to make make them selves feel better.

    and who the h**l are you to say what people can and can't do!?

    just mine your own business


  4. you stereotyping spoiled brat

    youre probably a very shallow 15 year old...cant wait till you get out into the real world

  5. your the ugly,fat one and it's making you feel better to write mean things about other people.


  6. Because they want nice nails. What is your problem?

    You must be very insecure to put down other people like that....guess it made you feel better to judge this girl's look eh?

    I'd be careful what you say about others because karma is a b* will probably learn that the hard way.

  7. Were you sitting next to a mirror?

  8. i always thought that ugly ppl got manicures so that they could say that atleast one part of their body was beautiful.  

  9. wow

    ur really mean

    thanks for the points

    and stop bagging other people

  10. do you have turrettes?

  11. your kinda *********.y

    do my friends?;...

  12. YOU ARE A *****!!!!!

    there is no rule saying that only supermodels can get their nails done. it doesn't matter what someone looks like! if they like getting their nails done then so be it. and who do you think you are? you are a conceited, stuck up, 'princess' who is probably paying for your FAKE *** nail with daddy's money!

  13. thats rude.

    your probably an ugly person inside and OUT.


  14. this is probably the dumbest question ever. and you sound like a dumbass. what are you, 4 years old?

  15. omg that was mean.

    but they do it to make themselves better about themselves.

    which is okay ya no?

    sorry, but your just kinda harsh ;/

  16. You are a *****

  17. you sounds like a ******

  18. wtf u sound so fcking stupid.

    any1 can get a d**n mani.

    guys get manis u got something against that 2?

    seriously who are u to judge if some 1 can or cant get a mani.

    u might think shes ugly but 2 some 1 else shes pretty

    she desserves 2 have pretty nails tooo geez

    ppl like u who judge ppl on there apperance really seriously pissed me the fck off.

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