
Why do we always see?

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the flaws in others before we see them in ourselves?

Is that kinda like the old adage of " being too close to the situation"?

Or is it out and out denial that we ourselves are in fact flawed just as others are?




  1. Some people are the opposite where they always see their flaws and cannot see the bad situation they are involved in with others.

  2. If you are a theif and someone else is getting all the goods, of course you are concerned. If you are not involved in an issue you would be indifferent to it. So why do we get so het up about the failings of others? We see our own faults everywhere we look. We can't stand it. We can't shut up about it. We just don't want to OWN it.

    I suspect if other people's judgementalism is bothering you, you may need to own your own. (Don't worry, I suffer from it too. That how come I know so much about it!)

  3. Because once we see ours, we then have an accountability to correct them, and we don't want that task for ourselves.

    We want every one else to do the work we ourselves shrug.


  4. those who are saintly people, they do otherwise

  5. It is sometimes satisfactory to see flaws in other people and to realise that not everyone is perfect.

  6. it is nothing wrong to be too close to the situation know that all situations in your life is created by you and for you...another words you know what you do...then you are not creating unwilling situations......We will see flaw in others first always, it is only way to know your own flaw...that is a dynamic of created paradise and it had been said that we are all One. Do you think that this saying does not have any validity?...have you notice that we always tend to exclude ourselves from a flaw of another, unless we are in love with another? So the key is Love...Love everything and you will know the truth

  7. Self centered people believe that they are perfect. That is flaw number one

  8. If we could see that what we are doing is flawed then we wouldn't do it. If we tell someone else that what they are doing is flawed, they do it anyway.

    I infer from this that either we should listen to people more or else our judgment of people is more flawed than we think.

  9. I think that when we see others flaws we are actually looking in a mirror and seeing our own flaws.My grandad always said to me that things i find annoying about others are actually things I do wrong myself.  For example, if I hate people who arrive late, I too am a person who arrives late.  If we don´t realise  what our flaws are it is because it is always easier to analyze others than it is for us to analyze ourselves.  If we could recognise our own flaws easily we would probably not have as many because we would do more to change and be better people.

  10. Funny - I have just been noticing that people are most likely to vehomently accuse others of the things they themselves are most guilty of.  I think it is a mechanism designed for self change.  We are too close to the situation to see ourselves objectively, but there is something nagging at us with our own shortcomings and so we notice them a lot (much like when you buy a new car, suddenly you see your new model everywhere).  

    What is really interesting is when you do notice this and you begin to realize that any time you open your mouth to complain about another, think about how that complaint applies to you before you spout off.  I remember a great old quote that says "nothing external matters here, except where it shows you your own inner reflection".  Our work is with self change, yet it is so easy to want to change others rather than doing what we are supposed to do.  Kind of like watching TV instead of doing our homework.


  11. Thanks for visiting my question, and linking to yours.  

    This issue bothers me, everyone wants perfection, yet there is no such thing.  The grass seems greener?  

    ssıʞ kiss

  12. It could be insecurity. We find the flaws in everyone else so that it makes our flaws look less.

  13. Because some people just want to see what's wrong with the world and don't want to admit to themselves they are like everyone else and have flaws too
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