
Why do we cry over.....?

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breaking an arm or cutting ourselves when we(women) go through labor which is supposed to be the worst pain EVER without really crying? Is it because we have had time to mentally prepare or is it because it is a different kind of pain or is it because we know that going through this gets us a baby?




  1. If I got an epidural and a guarantee a guy would have to give me several hundred dollars a month for the next 18 years, my arm would hurt much less.

  2. it could be related to the drugs they give u

  3. Pain often induces crying in women.

  4. Because at 40 weeks pregnant, you're happy to do ANYTHING to get that child out of you. Advanced pregnancy, for most women, is utterly miserable. Your back hurts, your hips hurt, you can't eat anything, you have 24/7 indigestion, you can't get comfortable to sleep, your feet are swollen, you are hot and sweaty all the time, the child is kicking your innards and the phone rings all the d**n day long with people asking "Is the baby born yet?" I started answering. "Yes, weeks ago. I just decided not to tell my family and friends."

    I was delighted when my water broke and I went into labor, despite the fact that it hurt like nothing I've ever felt before. It meant that soon I wouldn't be pregnant anymore.

    d**k Blister, you're an idiot.

  5. Some women do cry.

    Depends upon the amount of a) endorphins, b) drugs the physicians give you and c) the amount of support you have during it, i.e. family, friends, the father...

    No offense, but i think people tend to overrate the birthing pain. I think getting a limb hacked off would be more painful than giving birth.

    Of course the mental preparation helps most of all and not to mention the joy of procreating is supposed to be, ideally, the best soul-wrenching experience one is supposed to have. But I still say that there are plenty of other things that happen to people that are far worse than birthing.

  6. The last time I cried was 8 years ago watching my wife going thru 36 hours of labor.

    Yes, the doctors were trying to postpone the birth since he was a preemie. I have experienced plenty of pain myself the past year, but never cried.

  7. Because giving birth doesn't hurt that much. Women are such drama queens.

  8. I've never cried because of physical pain. Not even once. I've been hit by a truck (my brother was f*cking around and caught some soft sand and ended up hitting me when he lost control and skidded), fell off of a banister (split my head open and bruised my spine in 2 places), had a nail go strait through my foot, had a nail go into my knee (I wanted to cry when that happened but didn't), Been shot with a bb gun, and a construction grade staple gun (me and my brothers used my fathers tools as weapons when we played platoon) last but not least used to take beatings from an alcoholic dad (who never hit me again after he quit,  I love and miss him) so I dunno. There are so many more times I've done stupid things and have gotten hurt. Having 5 brothers will do that to a girl. I've never given birth though, I'm still scared but I don't think I'll cry.

    HOWEVER I'll cry like a baby if I'm hurt emotionally.

  9. Because something positive comes from giving birth unless you are an extreme optomist (broken bones heal back stronger!) your not going to see anything good about breaking a bone or cuting yourself

  10. speak for yourself...didnt cry over the broken bones i've had.  One even took a few hours for me to figure out thats what I had done.  

    but the 30 hours of labor got plenty of tears out of me.

    LOL Tracey makes a great point..."get it out! get it out of me NOW!"

  11. I broke my arm and didn't cry.   I didn't cry over 4 labors either-but I agree with Tracey-  by the time you get to the end of a pregnancy you want it over.   I had quick labors thank you!    I did cry while holding them for the first time.

  12. i think you are so focused on pushing to think about crying

    and i know several people who have cried during labor.

    its just the mind set and how some people are able to control their feelings and emotions

  13. I don't tend to cry much over physical pain.

    Emotional pain... Well, that's another matter.... lol

  14. I don't cry over hurting myself although that god I've never broken an arm or leg! My eyes watered when I broke my nose but that was purely the tear ducts. When it comes to having a baby, maybe instinct and nature takes over?

  15. Its rather sexist to presume that only women cry.  Its sad that to many people raise their sons with the boys don't cry philosophy. As for not crying during labor I haven't experienced that one but its either the drugs or that its such tremendous pain that women don't have time or the energy to cry. I know they scream a lot! I think though that some probably cry.

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