
Why do we have global warming?

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Why do we have Global Warming? Is it going to be the end of the world here? please answer back I am in doubt here.




  1. Global warming is somewhat of a misnomer.

    It really should be called climate change.

    Throughout the history of the world, the climate has changed and shifted constantly.

    It has gone through ice ages and thawed, and then repeats.

    These climate shifts can take hundreds to thousands of years to complete.

    During the Middle Ages, the earth was in an ice age, and eventually it thawed, but then receded into an ice age again.

    Currently, we are coming out of an ice age, so naturally the earth's over all temperature will increase slowly. A shift in the average global temperature of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius can be the difference between and ice age and a heat wave.

    This does not however mean that every place on the earth will get warmer. Some will get warmer, but others will suffer no changes, and others will get cooler. This happens because of the air's currents, which dictate the earth's climate. Scientists worry the air currents will shift if the polar caps continue to melt, because the ice controls the air. If the air currents change, so dos climate. So places known for agriculture could suffer great losses if the climate changes, due to changes in temperature, rainfall, etc. This is bad for everyone, because the population is dependent on these places for food and other goods.

    The controversy does not lie in the concept of global climate change, which scientists agree is happening. What does stir debate is how much humans are contributing to the increased speed at which the earth's climate is changing. Some believe we are greatly increasing this natural process by emitting too many greenhouse gases & pollutants, while others believe these toxins have very little impact. The world will not end, it could just change dramatically, which may impact some populations. Som people could suffer drought & famine as a result. The problem is, scientists don't know how bad things can get or who will be affected.

  2. If the left wing nuts can scare you with "global warming" they can also dictate how YOU will live.

    Global warming is a myth made up by environmentalist n***s, do not listen to such propaganda.

  3. we have global warming because of the cfc's

    ( clhoroflourocarbons) exhausted from aircon, refrigerators etc. cfc was a man-made chemical that made the ozone layer thin that mey lead to ozone depletion,, if we have some solutions world's never end.

  4. Because people are so mean and polluting the world

  5. Because Al Gore says we do!

  6. Global warming is natural. I really doubt humans can cause the destruction of Earth.

  7. I think you mean climate change.  Greenhouse gasses, particularly carbon dioxide build up and create a "blanket" that traps heat and keep our planet warm.  Recently, it appears that an increase in carbon dioxide is causing human induced increase in average temperatures.  This will not "destroy" the earth, but there are likely to be changes and things will change.  For example, increase greenhouse gas will most likely cause an increase in extremely warm days and nights, reduced extremely cold nights/days and increased precipitation in most areas, loss of glacial ice, more "warming' in the north, and ocean expansion (due to loss of sea ice on land and because when liquids are warmed they expand).  Although temperature change is gradual, small increments will matter.  HOWEVER, this is not a Hollywood "Day after Tommorrow" thing.

  8. I believe it is really just a lot of hype, and I really don't understand how it has become what it has. I didn't fully understand the power of the media until I investigated the theory for myself. I now recognize how naive I was when I initially took them at their word. The world is a scary place, full of deception and half-truths. I'd say global warming should be at the bottom of your list of things to worry about.

  9. We don't have global warming.  The climate is no different than it has been at any other time in the past.

  10. good, don't just submit to listening to what the news said.... plus it's mainly for higher oil prices so we think twice before drilling alot of oil that wiould possibly bring gas prices alot down like say 50 cents if we drill in gulf of mexico and anwar

  11. Well, we have global warming because the pollution from factories, cars and other things like that send smog in the air and it's destroying the ozone layer (a layer of atmospere over the earth). Global warming probably won't end the world, the people will. Read the Bible and you'll get a further understanding. Hope this helps.

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