
Why do we have welfare?

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why in this country do lazy people get rewarded for thier laziness.

my pregnant friend (so called) gets free healthcare for being unemployed, because she doesnt like working, )but loves spending her boyfriends hard earned cash.)

why does our government give welfare? its like initiative to be lazy.




  1. Very good observation!  You are exactly correct!  It has a lot to do with a man named Roosevelt who kind of kicked off our whole venture into socialism.  Most welfare does NOT go to needy people as American socialists would have you believe.  It actually goes to mostly able-bodied people who are capable of working just as fine as you or I; however, they choose not to, or they chose to make bad decisions which put them into a situation where they are now not able to.

    There is no good justification for welfare.  Welfare is basically forced charity.  Or you might say charity managed by totalitarians.  Government should NOT have this role in our lives.  Family, friends and voluntary charity should take care of people who need it.

    If you want to find a better way than what the 2 socialist parties known as the Democrats and Republicans are presenting you with, go to to learn more.

  2. Welfare is for the Democratic base.

  3. Very good point.  You should ask that question to republicans who give big oil companies "corporate welfare" by giving them multi billion dollar tax breaks, while people pay $3.75 for gas.

  4. krista, you nailed it on the head. welfare was developed on a good idea to help people get back on their feet after falling on hard times. but it didnt take long for people to figure out how to misuse the system. personnaly i feel that if you draw a welfare check that you should have to do some kind of community service to get ithere's an idea, instead of paying someone $15 hr to walk along the road and pick up trash, get the welfare mongers off their lazy butts and let them earn that check!

  5. Just another something to do with the money the government steals from those who earn it.

    Wait until we get stuck with free health care. That is going to be expensive for those who work.

  6. Please go away! I just hope you do not need Welfare , you must be middle class.

  7. Hi,

    I agree with you completely. Welfare has hurt the working people of this country, and has created a subculture of entitlement for some of the laziest people.  It is at the point of disgrace and should be revamped completely. If they stopped giving these people free handouts, they would have no choice but to work for their food and shelter like the rest of society. The "New Deal" was really a raw deal for all of the working people by taxing  their wages to support people too lazy to fend for themselves.  Believe me, if they get hungry enough, they'll work! Welfare has fostered delinquency and created bigger government which has doubled the tax effect on working people. Now we also have to pay the clowns that administer the wasteful programs.  We are now into the fith generation of welfare and it has become a learned life style....what a shame!

  8. It's intended to provide temporary relief for those who have paid into the program (through taxes).  As we all know, it's not used for anywhere near that purpose.

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