
Why do we need army................?

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Why should our country, which is land of Mahatma, have army, navy and airforce. Why didn't congress party the ardent follower of Gandhian philosophy dilute the army and replace them with army of non-voilent sathyagrahis.

Was theory of non-violence just a cheap gimmick. In my opinion theory of non-violence is nothing shy of "theory of self-destruction". It goes against the basic laws of nature. Why does our body has immune system? Is the nature foolish, not as intellectual as the Mahatma.

Violence for self-defense is birth right.




  1. The practice of non violence was suggested by Ghandi because the alternative would have resulted in genocide against him and his followers.  There are very many things that prevent the human intellect from awareness of the fact that society could improve, by a considerable margin for absolutely everybody on this planet, if greed were no longer the primary motivation; with the army being among the last.  I'm sure you will agree, it would be hard for a united working class to defeat the military.  The military serves a second function within the capitalist society.  When capitalism goes into long term recession, as it is now, then wars are started and large numbers of soldiers & innocent people are killed along with much destruction of property.  Capitalism 'needs' to expand: no expansion generates stagnation, which generates recession; which leads to war!  With the mass of killings creates room for population expansion, capitalism 'needs' to expand, and the requiremenmt for rebuilding.  I feel that your government also chooses to have military strength to protect itself, for a short length of time anyway, from the USA, whose government are presently trying to take over the world.  All this terrorism stuff is nonesence.  And there is much proof of that, while there is still no proof at all that terrorists have done any of the acts that have started all the genocides that the USA is inflicting upon innocent populations.  I have concluded that those genocides are happening for a different reason.

  2. We need it for protection. In this day everyone is so powerful that if anything were to happen we need a fast and intelligent force to complament whatever is attacking us, without and army or air force we are so vunlerable that our country would be a reck in just a few years.

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