
Why do women now a days?

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Seem to think that they can judge what it takes to be a man? An old saying says that behind every man, there is a woman. Now I don't know if that is true, but I'm sure that behind every man, there is a man (probably a father). Please give me your opinions on tis. Nothing sexist. P.S. I'm not sexist.




  1. i think it's not just women, so to insinuate that men don't do the same thing to women is in itself a little sexist, whether you intended it to be or not.

    that saying means different things to whoever reads it.  one person might read it and percieve it as saying "a woman should stand behind her man at all times".  however, someone else may read it and percieve it as saying "behind every man, there is emotion".

    i think that men think they can judge what it takes to be a women, just as much as women do it to men.

  2. Because of the feminist movement women have a BIG mouth nowadays.  You need to realize that when this started ALOT of things changed and are changing.  

    We are seeing the family crumble as women have to work, mind you WNAT to work, raising the kids is too hard.  And men are getting lower incomes because of the competition factor.  When women entered the work force, they paid her less which in turn helped the main provider (the man) of the family.

    The effects of the change brought on many changes in our society to it's demise.  

    Now we have LOUD women out there saying we are just as strong as men, we are just as blah, blah, blah as men, etc,etc

    So that saying is the feminist blurting THEIR FEELINGS.  Remember Madonna's song: Express yourself.....

    Anyway that's my 2 cents

  3. "it goes both ways"? lol

    i go both ways!!!!!!!

  4. It goes both ways. Men judge women the same way.

  5. Any woman has a right to judge for herself what qualities she likes in a man. And any man has the right to judge for himself what qualities he likes in a woman. Those rights have always existed, nothing new or "nowadays" about it, and nothing exclusive to one gender or the other. Trends are just trends. You need to find yourself a woman whose idea of what it takes to be a man exactly matches the man you happen to be.

    There is an old saying in Mexico that says every man has three educations: the one he gets at home while growing up, the one he gets at school, and the one he gets from his wife. Since you are obviously sexist (lumping all individual women together as a group), presumably you have only received two-thirds of your education quotient.

  6. Unfortunately, it seems to be a human predilection to judge others.   I think that every person, regardless of s*x has influences from the opposite s*x as well as their own.  Best to live your life from a place of respect for others, and you will find it rewarded back to you in respect.

  7. See, this is like the racism question. You ask a simple HONEST question and you get a bunch of feminists jumping down your throat calling you sexist. I don't find this sexist at all. I'm sure the poster knows that men do the same thing, but read the question. He's asking about WOMEN doing it. If you all want to discuss men doing the judging, then post your own questions. Some of these posters are classic examples of the women judging men so quickly.

    Anyway, I personally think we're all equal under the eyes of god and one should judge equally, not "I'm better than a man or vice versa." Back then the mentality was that women were inferiors but now that has changed dramatically but some women still like to think that the man is oppressing them. That's why some go around acting like women have it harder and have the right to judge men. I say both men and women have difficulties, some women have more than men do. Or vice-versa.

  8. The old saying you are thinking of is "behind every successful man, there is a successful woman".

    Girls always become Women. "What it takes to be a Woman" is known. Women extrapolate "what it takes to be a Man" from from their experience of "what it takes to be a Woman".

    Transition from Boyhood to Manhood is complex and not guaranteed, as evidenced by the number of men who fail to make the transition. Of course Women have the absolute right to articulate how they would like Men to behave, but they can't describe, much less define what it is to be a Man.

    The mechanisms and processes underlying the transition are simply not accessible, visible, or comprehensible to women, since they occur within an exclusively Masculine Frame of Reference.

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