
Why do women worship Oprah?

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Let me first say that I do respect her.

She has overcome many obstacles to achieve a lot.

But that's where it stops.

She is just a successful woman.

Why have women turned her into an almost religious figure?

One woman on her forum asked if she was prophesied in the bible!!

LOL!! I am not kidding.

Also, I find that she's very condescending to mothers and wives. I believe she has a very unrealistic view of women and I suspect she's selling depressed women delusion.




  1. God...I don't know! But I absolutely can't stand Oprah! How did she get famous anyway? She is like the God among women who are lame with no self-esteem! She's like a televangelist! She thinks that she is always right! I say we should go on an Oprah strike!

  2. Because she's been on t.v. for 30 years.

    And t.v. is like church to some people.

    Let's all worship at the alter of the rich!

    That way we can be poor forever and ever.

  3. I don't worship Harpo.

  4. I don't watch her show. I did on occasion back in the 1980s when it was more like Jerry Springer but since she became spiritual and started fawning all over celebrities, I tuned out.

  5. Oprah apparently has her hand on the pulse of American women, and she speaks eloquently for them.  She is a survivor of abuse, a by-the-bootstraps success story, who has a less-than-idealistic vision of men.  Her message is to empower women, and we men, except for Stedman Graham, remain hairy brutes incapable of rising to the sanctity of women, who all are, without exception, perfection incarnate.  Plus, she puts her money where her mouth is.

    That is a recipe most modern woman cannot resist.

  6. I have no idea, I'm certainly not riding that train.

  7. According to one of those tabloid newspapers I saw in line at the supermarket - because she is a L*****n.

    Did you know there are space aliens coming to pick up Michael Jackson for his 50 year refurbishment?  (He's an alien made robot)

  8. I think she is annoying. And the fact that her magazine only ever has her face splashed all over it speaks volumes as to her ego. I do appreciate that she tries to use her millions to help the less fortunate. That's good. More wealthy people need to do that.

  9. Just another successful woman in my eyes. I can honestly say I've never watched an episode of Oprah. Any and all of my knowledge of her show is the clip or two I've seen on youtube. Actually I don't personally know any woman who watches Oprah.

  10. because she tells them what they want to hear.  she feeds their opinions of themselves and the world back to them.  in some ways it's very deceitful and in other ways very ingenious.

  11. I know of no one who "worships" Oprah.  But then I've never read  the forum you mention.  Neither have the vast majority of females on the planet.

    If one sets out to prove any nutball hypothesis, internet resources can be found to support it.

  12. i don't worship her.

  13. Not sure. Seems like she is losing her followers lately.

    I think they worship her for the same reason some people follow CULTS.

    Brain washing.

  14. beats me...

  15. I don't know why, but some almost seem to.  (btw, I agree with your "Oprah policy" lol)

    I also don't know why groups like the Darkness had number one hits, or why people thought that Jerry Springer was real, but those happened too.

    Also, why do women have a fascination with shoes?  That I don't get either....

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