
Why do you hate silly questions??????

by  |  earlier

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sheesh! this is Polls & survey!!, not philosophy or mental health!!!




  1. Who are you talking to?

  2. i don't hate them i like them case there something different

  3. i love silly questions; all of mine are silly!

    i just asked if McCain can sustain an election at his age.

  4. i don't. they're in fact easiest to answer. easy 2 points. :]

  5. i dont

  6. i love silly questions!

    they rock

  7. Nope, as long those questions are funny, I'm okay with it :)

    Nope, your question isn't annoying at all.

  8. I come here for the "humor"-lol

  9. Now let' think.  Is this a silly question?

  10. No, maybe your confusing sarcasm with being mean.....

  11. I don't HATE Silly Q's I FRIGGEN LOVE Silly Q's.


  12. Unless they're hilarious, not really.

  13. I don't. Unfortunately for me I seem to pick the serious ones to answer as funny. Hey keep them coming and ignore the boring who just don't get they can pick and choose what questions they answer ;)

  14. um how bout you figure it out? you just ask one...

  15. no polls and surveys is a break and a place to just act immature lol

  16. I don't hate them, they're fun! :)

  17. i dont, i love 'em


  18. what do call a donkey with horns?

    a horny donkey

    is that silly.?

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