
Why do you people do it?

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What is the point of this forum? First off, I'm using my husband's account, so I'm new to this...I've tried participating, but a lot of this is really about as exciting as watching my 2 boys arguing over a toy while in the backseat.

Is there some thrill you only get from being here awhile? Some of the answers are funny, and seem for the most part to be taken in that spirit, but some folks are down-right nasty. Surely if this type of forum drives you that bonkers, it can't be good for you, can it?




  1. I enjoy it, i dont get nasty or offensive, and i find it very interesting

  2. If you dislike it that bad then don't visit this forum.  It's that easy.

    I love how someone actually tried to answer the

  3. ......and I suppose you never watched the Jerry Springer show either....  As far as I'm concerned, this site puts the "fun" in dysfunctional!!  

    I keep trying to leave; but like an over-zealous, orally-fixated fluffer girl, this place just keeps sucking me back in....

  4. Boredom, addiction, and a desire to correct misunderstandings. Oh and perhaps for some a love to drink. We must all be masochists mustn't we?

  5. I love this forum (and a few others as well) because it helps me stay on my toes.  A lot of sincere questions prompt me to look up answers in the Bible which helps me learn how to find the passages faster and more effectively.  I also learn a lot from others as I read their questions and answers.

  6. Most people are here to argue but I always found myself to be the one looking at every question from a different point of view so I joined about a day or two ago and have been having a blast just discussing stuff with people.

  7. Are new to this planet?  Well, don't worry, I think you might do well here, as you have a nice writing style.  Now all you need do is to decide what it is that you wish to write about.

    See you around.

  8. It sucks you in and eats you whole...

    That's the sad truth of it. When I first came here, I never thought I would stick around for so long. But this place gets dangerously addictive after a while!

  9. I hate this stupid place.

  10. can't go to sleep so I'm here to kill time.

  11. Your husband's name is Amanda and he has big b***s?

    Honey, you have more trouble than this website.

    And your husband has racked up more than 11,000 points here in less than 6 months...why don't you ask him?  Or is that the problem?  Just tell him to get off the computer and pay attention to his family.  Or get a better bra...whatever.

  12. There are lots of other categories you don't have to be in R&S I like it because this is my favorite subject. And finding out about what other people believe as well as finding that there are other people who believe the same way as you do is great. It's nice to have validation on what you believe. You must find it interesting too, because I noticed you are a top contributer. So it can't be all that bad. God Bless you.

  13. I'm here because I am going into the ministry as a Christian, and I am trying to get a feel on the kind of questions I am going to be getting, and the kind of foolishness I am going to have to put up with.

  14. If there's no such forum you're gonna spend a lot more time to ask opinion about something. Probaly takes a lot of money too.

    That's why YA have scoring system, and have ability to "report abuse" then delete answer or delete question thats classify as an "abuse".

    You can simply ignore the stupid answer and takes good answer only as your reference.

  15. Sure it can be good for me.  It is.  It shores up what I already believe.  It's a lot of fun being my role here:  Being the christian that no atheist or christian can agree with.

  16. Quite frankly, I'm only here while at work. And right now I'm between tasks, as in having finished mine and waiting for the next one.

  17. Eh, kills time. If you hate it, why are you here?

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