
Why does Europe hate Turkey?

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Why does Europe hate Turkey?




  1. Well I ll answer you and I know I am going to get many thump-down.

    MAny years ago,many Turks moved to Germany for working.Germans wanted people to work cheaper (many Greeks went there,too) and they wanted to stay a couple of years and then go back.But they gained citizenship there,and now the biggest minority there is the Turkish.

    I didnt know how Germans felt towards turkish people,but in June i went to a trip.

    People said me that after so many years,they still have not adopted the German way of life,and they live there with their own rules.

    Not all of  them of course but obviously pretty enough to make such such a feeling to them.

    Strong Turkish diaspora also exist in other European countries (France,Uk,Netherlands,etc) so these are enough to dont want Turkey into EU.

    Because obviously then,more Turks would migrate to these countries.

    Edit:Lady S,I didn't say its wrong.

    Greece is an example,where in Thrace,especially in Komotini ,the muslim minority (and the Turkish origin part) of it,lives peacfully with Greeks.I dont agree wit that i just told what they told me

    I search a little now in YA and I found a better answer

  2. hi,

    you must ask this question on the European countries section ,if you have any clever answer , please post it here thus we can understand that why they hate us.

    salute from Türkiye

  3. i hope greek barbie knows that the greeks of today are not related to the ancient greeks.i also hopes she knows that greeks of today have east african blood and slavic blood to.

    the ancient greeks invented so much and they were a tall,fair skinned,mostly fair haired european people.

    go to greece today,or look at the greek football team,and u see the opposite.greece is no more 'european' that turkey is,and thats FACT.


    no i dont think so son,ur not getting away with that old lie.ur gonna sit there and tell me that a race like the ancient greeks who invented everything they invented just decided to become utterly useless? greece and greeks claim an unbroken racial line from the ancient greeks,completly ignoring all migration and settlers.ignoring macedonians and turks and slavs and the proven GENETIC evidence that they are not an unbroken line.greeks today get away with being 'european' because of things an extinct race accomplished.

    jealous of greeks? you never leave turks alone.constant moaning all day everyday,bitching and complaining about this and that,a few links to wikipedia wont save you either,because anti-greek evidence is ON wikipedia also.i dont care who you 'think' you are,but ur not ancient greeks thats for sure,not a chance.ur about as ancient greek as a native american indian is german.i ADMIRE ancient greece and greeks,i admire the h**l out of what they did,but i look at greeks today,and no....nothing...its not there,sorry its just not.

  4. they dont "hate" them, its just that look at how poorly the Turks have adjusted in Germany for example. Turks dont have a European culture,  but an Eastern one just like most the Arabs that migrate to Europe. Islam keeps growing in Europe, and many Muslims in general dont want to adust to the new countries they migrate to, and Muslim birthrates are much higher than the Christian ones. There was a study and it said that by 2025, 65% of newborn babies in Germany would be of Muslim (Turk,Arab) descend. Turkey illegally occupies Northern Cyprus and just recently Muslim Arabs blew out the Dannish embassy, and London was under minor terrorist attacks. All this, is not making Arabs and Turks look so good. So its not about Turks, but Arabs as well, or more specifically Muslim immigrants in Europe.

  5. To Keyser:

    I dont know who is an ancient Greek and who is the modern one. You know everything I guess.

    But you seem to base all your rationals on "genes" and "blood". So classic of Germans really. Which shows that in your "pure" nation nothing has really ever changed since Hitler.

    As for the fair blond ancient Greeks, I hope you know that this comes from n**i propaganda...Every German tells the same. Perhaps because most Germans read the same c**p at school or collectively feel inferior for a "country of poets and thinkers (!?)".

    Not a single nation in the east west, north and south of Greece has fair skin. Not a single one close to the equator across the globe. Painful. But true. And some people call it adaptation to sun exposure. And this has not changed for at least the last 15000 years.

    Learn the history of a nation before judging it. Your country has been the largest and biggest disgrace of humanity for the last 200 years. No country can be more messy than that Mr Blond. Now keep your genes out of here.  Raus!

    PS: Greeks don't look like Europeans says who? the Mr Adolf  that uses the Greek word "Europe" and tries to see his monkey face in it? Sure...

    PS: As for those Greeks claiming their "ancient blood" to justify their existence in the map they are as pathetic as the fellow German.

  6. It is all about relegion trust me. Turkey is an ISLAMIC country and they stick together with their muslim brothers. It is common sense. And you're right about turks not lookling like east indians. They are actually white like mayonaise. And they are also barbaric and have ruled and destroyed many countries including my great INDIA. F-them all!!!! GO GREECE!!! GO ARMENIA!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER FORGET ARMENIA GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER  

  7. Europe doesn't hate Turkey; only racists and trolls like you do.

    By the way, you gave yourself a proper name.

    To Greek_Lover: A part of Turkey IS in Europe, they DON'T look like Indians, and most importantly, if you hate them because they are not Christians, well what else can I say about you?

    Vasiliki, what's wrong with having Turkish diaspora living in European countries? I mean, other countries have their own diaspora too, including Greece. And what's wrong with keeping your own traditions when you move to another country? Are you saying that Turks in Germany should assimilate and forget about their own traditions?

    EDIT: Hmm, the fake Tamil should be reported... as well as Greek Lover and Lost Men. Why can't  people give civilised answers to the questions (if we can consider this question civilised in the first place)? Why do you have to offend each other all the time?

    EDIT 2: In this case, I have to say I agree with Trotsky and I think she gave the best answer to this question.

  8. european culture differs a lot from the eastern islamic culture...i think that religion does play a huge role in the relationships between Europe and Turkey!That's why Turkey has not become yet a UE member....

    that's my humble opinion...

  9. How did you come to that? What reason does Europe have to "love" or "hate" Turkey?

    Sorry, but no-one really cares.

    In essence, Europe is a Union of large diversity of nations who co-exist more the less with success (including a huge number of Turkish immigrants all around).

    So, this question for me makes no point..

  10. Nobody hates Turkey. Turkish people are like all other people. In my oppinion Europeans are worried about Turkey entering E.U. because of the very high population, the big inflation, the big percentage of illeterate people and most af all the lack of democracy. How can be explained the fact that a Ertogan who was elected by almost 50% was almost imprisoned because of his attitude towards the army?

  11. First of all, you should  ask this in other sections, not here. This is Travel-Turkey section.

    Secondly, the question should be directed to Europeans, not Turks.

    Third, I see this question gave an opportunity to  some Greeks and Greek lovers to debase Turks.

    Are you so n**i minded as to trace people's genes to decide where  they come from? You, my Greek friends, are falling into the trap of others; creating enmity between Greeks and Turks.

    One final thing, when some people go and live in another country, do they have to adapt to the culture of that country and forget their own? Is that a crime? If so, what about all those Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Africans etc living in the UK? They are UK citizens but still preserve their culture and traditions. So do Turks living in Germany.

    The main reason why some Europeans (Germans) do not want Turkey in the EU is Turkey's large population. Not because Turks will go and work/live in their countries, but because this population will make Turkey the largest EU country, and therefore, more votes in the governing bodies of EU. Germany will cease to be the 'boss' of EU!!!

    Wake up to the political facts, religion and culture are only trivial things.

  12. Some Greeks here act as if they are the sole representatives of the pure European Roman-Germanic culture in Europe. I don't know why they love to assert themselves as "Europeans" in every question related to Turkey and Europe, as if Greece is a very big European country that has a strong say in European affairs. Let me remind you that Greeks, for a long time until EU money started to 'work' in Greece, was known as the "waiters of Europe". Also for those Greeks, who, again walk around as if they are blond-blue eyed Aryan Germans or Anglo-Saxons, who do you think you are kidding? How many questions like this do we find about blondie Greeks on yahoo answers? ( You play on the card of ancient Greeks and their immense contribution to Western civilization but you haven't done any remarkable contribution to mankind. You might fool racists and fanatic Christians, but they have little say in our era, in our the world of intelligent men. Today, only African tribes assert supremacy based on some (supposed) genetic ties with some mythological heroes in their stories.

    Every country has a period in which transformation and adjustment to a new economic, social and/or cultural phase. Today's taxi driver Slavs and 3rd class restaurant owner Chinese will be the masters of the new world. Yesterday's greasy haired Italians have a powerful community in New York. People used to say the south of Pyrenees belonged to Africa, now where are the Spaniards now? Have these people adopted the American/German/Danish/whatever way of life very easily? Actually, do they really HAVE to adopt it? Mentalities like "love it or leave it" only work in backward countries, I don't expect a country of 10 million to comprehend or at least appreciate the elegance of the Stoic principles or the benefits in having a universal state for the good of all humanity. This is just too BIG for some people.

    As for Turkey's religion being a hinderance on its way to EU, excuse me, how many Muslims live in EU today? How many Muslims are EU citizens? How many Muslims are there in the Balkans? If Islam is such a threat, why does Britain keep accepting many Muslim immigrants in? Why does the BNP receive so little of the votes? Does anybody really believe that there will be an Islamic revolution in Germany? I guess this is how people bought n**i propagandas about Jews invading the pure German genes, "In 10 years every German will have a Jewish ancestor" *audience ouuu's* said good old Hans. Plus, using "Turks and Arabs" in the same sentence over and over again does not change the fact that Turks are not Arabs and Arabs are not Turks and every educated person knows that. A challenge of intellectual nature is what I seek in the these answers, all I get is a billboard asking me "got milk?" like the rest of the millions of other billboards.

    Anyway, to answer your question, Europeans don't hate Turks nor do Turks hate the Europeans. If you think of the interests of your country, there is no room for "love" or "hate". You strive what is best for your people.

  13. Is this about travel?  Does this, somehow, pertain to hotels, restaurants, monuments, or where to shop?

    I would have to say this does not even belong here.

  14. cuz turkey is in asia not europe and they are not christians AND they look like east indians

  15. Europe doesn't hate Turkey, don't think that just because of greek barbie ( yeah, right) and greek lover's answers. They don't like turkey for some reason.. Sure, many places in Turkey are not like Europe but many are and don't drag religion into this. I just wanna say that normal people judge people by their character and not their nationality.

    I think vasiliki is right.. they wouldn't want more turks in  their countries if Turkey joined the EU. You're just telling the thruth about that, you shouldnt get any thubs down for that. I've been to Germany many many times and from what I've seen many turks do adapt to their new country but they like to keep traditions alive, what's wrong with that?

  16. First of all , when Turks, and others go and say that they admire the ancient Greeks, but not the ones of today, because these Greeks, are not from the same blood line as the ancients. Saying this is due to Slavic, and African mixing of the race. Let me clarify, that as a people that has never done anything, but rapped, plundered, pillaged, and murdered, yes you would have to say something to make your self feel better.

    DNA tests conducted by scientists ( o ya we invented that too) have Greeks as the direct decedents of the ancient, and while I do agree that it is mixed, it is mostly Greek indo-European . That is the beauty of being from a culture that the whole world has adopted as her own, and not a barbarian.

  17. First of all...

    GREEKLOVERS: You are a girl who has "NO" education about "Geography"... Turkey is the only country which is a bridge between Europe to Asia and also a country where you can move in 15 minutes between two continent by ship or by car...

    The secon thing is WE ARE NOT LOOKS LIKE INDIANS!

    I don't think that you have been in India but I have been Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka... I know what kind of people are... I juts can say that they are not Racist like you...

    And If still people who is thinking that they are well educated puting my nation in the same box with Arabs. It mmeans that these people has "NOT EDUCATED" they are BLINDLY PREJUDICED or RACIST...

    Because as a culture, nation, tradition, language....and more and more we are TOTALLY  different!!

    I am living in Bahrain.Bahrain is a place in Gulf.It is a very small isand and an Islamic Kingdom. These people have a totally different way of living... Even pray...

    If some people talking about "PEACE" and "FRIENDSHIP" like our Greek friends.They have to leave their "Prejudice" first!!

    Turkish people like this Turkish people like that... ENOUGH!!

    You want to know my nation??? Believe me! You can find too many books from manuscript to encyclopedia to learn about Turkey.

    Just read the one which had written by a person who has no prejudice and desire to spoil the name of my nation... Because every strong country has an enemy...

    Let me tell you why European people hate from us my friend...

    They hate from us because they "DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT US" except Greeks...They know us well... But they don't like to read history about us... They find themselves in our history in a bad condition...

    If you don't know anything you get prejudice very easy... That's why It is simple to mix uneducated people's mind...

    That much simple...

  18. Not all Europe of course hate Turkey, and those who hate it is because the large number of Muslim immigrants in their country that contributes the elevation of racism.

    As for Keyser G, he must be very jealous of the Greeks. The majority of the Greeks were always a Mediterranid race. Greeks have not Slavic genes, the African genes are also of the lowest in Europe (%0.14 - 0.24), and no comments about Turkish African genes. Unfortunately, due to the  child gatherings of Greek children and the thefts of Greek women for Ottoman harems, many of the Turks today are wanna-be Europeans and do be surprised if you ever hear that they are Trojans, Anatolian peoples, Scythians etc..

    Edit: My son, don't be so jealous of us. We don't do not claim an unbroken racial line, we just claim a well maintaining racial line. Isn't it pathetic to claim such things because you didn't achieve to make all of us Muslim, and there are now 10 million Greeks to resist to Turkey's imperialistic plans? C'mon...

    I know who i am, do you know who you are or you suffer form identical crisis?

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