
Why does Michael Phelps talk weird?

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It sounds like he has braces on the inside of his teeth, or a retainer. Something of the sort. Hahaha, I'm just really curious.




  1. michael phelps has a bit of an underbite which made him have a lisp.

    but when you hear him talking its usually right after he swam so he might be a little or ALOT out of breathe

  2. I noticed there was something weird about his talking too. Kinda like he has a lisp but not a super bad one but enough where you kinda hear a lot of saliva sounds. Also when he talks, you will notice that his jaw is a little more foward than it should be, which is a slight overbite.

    I looked online and it appears he was bullied at school when he was young for the lisp.

  3. Well, all he does is eat, sleep, and swim. In terms of content, I doubt Phelps has ever picked up a book or made an attempt at intelligent conversation. In addition, he has no friends of the human variety. In terms of the way he speaks, I'm afraid genetics are responsible for that.

  4. He has a hearing loss & that's why he speaks like that.

    Some of you people are so cruel & probably just jealous.

  5. Couldn't tell you, but it doesn't really matter w/ such a hot body like that! If I were to be the one doing him, I'd just make sure he doesn't talk during s*x or something. h**l, he can just stand there and look s**y for all I care.

  6. cause he's g*y thats why and he loves men & young boys ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  

  7. he has a lisp.

    & he has ADHD.  

  8. When are you listening to him speak?   If its after he just swam a world recording setting race, maybe he is a bit out of breath.

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