
Why does Sania Mirza have fans?

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I've never seen her win a match but she always punches the air after winning a single set




  1. No clue.... people probably just like her.

  2. everyone has fan

  3. Shes from india....theres like a billion people there and she the only seeded player from india, also indian fans are nuts and they all got too much ego to do it themselfs. Shes also in  a lot of conteversy*, she is a muslim and according to muslim rules, you have to be covered up and so she is setting a bad example on india....**

  4. She is not a top player but she plays the game well like anyone else she too has fans.

  5. Well Sania comes from a conservative country and religion where becoming a professional athlete as a woman is extremely difficult.

    Every point she gets sets a new record. She's the first Indian woman to be seeded in a grand slam event so I think you can respect that it's a big deal.

    Her community at home has both pride and condemnation for her achievements so her story is very inspiring to many.

    Anyways, you don't get to 26th ranked *in the world* without winning a few matches, so cut her some slack =).

  6. "I've never seen her win a match but she always punches the air after winning a single set"

    Then why don't you stick around and watch a match til the end before you make a stupid statement and ask a stupid question? So if Nicky doesn't watch Sania Mirza play, does she actually win matches? A bit like the tree in the forest hey...

    Post something worthwhile.

  7. Sania Mirza is well known for her islamic problems in her country . She plays goo but it is not a champion ( utiln now ) Just in the future we will see if will be a very good tennis player !

  8. I saw her the other day on the Direct TV extra channels. She is a good player and is a very nice looking girl. She is from India, but I hear she is Muslim. Those groups may also like her as there aren't many players who are Muslim or from India.

  9. Because she is such a class act!

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