
Why does my bearded dragon...?

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My bearded dragon always winks at he always has one eye closed and one eye open when i pet him. Is that normal??




  1. mine does it to but it means its very relaxed

  2. could be to much light when you hold him up. or just when reach your hand out to him, instead of retreating, he winks his eye so you don't touch it. or its just a habit. but if he doesn't do it all the time then hes perfectly fine.

  3. I don't know. But i hope so, because mine does that too. Maybe it just means they feel relaxed and comfortable. That's weird that they only do it one eye at a time though.

  4. I have a baby bearded and he does the same thing. I think they are just relaxing, but have that one eye open to see whats going on. We just got one 2 weeks a go. He is about 8 inc. long just his body not tail. What do you feed him in the veggy.  We have just been feeding him mealworms and crickets.


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