
Why does my budgie falls sleep?

by  |  earlier

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OK. I’ve had my budgie for a couple of months now and I’ve started teaching him words. I keep repeating some words to him every day, but he just sits there and looks at me and after a while he fells sleep. He doesn’t look interested at all. Am I doing something wrong???




  1. holy cow. are you serious???

    no your not doing anything wrong. you have to be patient.  birds have their time just like people. sometimes you're bored, sometimes you're happy, sometimes you have a ton of energy and sometimes you want to be alone. well, birds are like that too. just because you want to play doesn't mean he wants to.

    you have to understand birds first of all. looks like you have a lot of reading and research to do on bird behavior. First off, a male will learn to pick up a few words. females do not 'talk' much if at all. you can talk to him all you want and say the same things over and over but you  can't 'make' him/it do anything it doesn't want to. Birds are their own. just because it's in a cage in your house and you call it a pet does not mean it has to obey your every will and command.  

    it's not because he is bored or you are boring it. HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! or what is means for that matter. please pick up a book about birds. it will help you greatly.

  2. Try limiting the amount of time you spend in each training session and increase the frequency of those sessions.  Also if you don't already know his regular napping schedule watch him for a few days and make a note of when he usually takes naps during the day and avoid those times, but take advantage of the times where he is alert but calm.  And make sure he's getting 10-12 hours of sleep each night so he's not taking more naps during the day.

    Keep in mind though that although all parrots have the ability to learn human language not all of them will use it simply because they don't want to.  

  3. He just might get tired, you got tired in school didn't you?

    He also might be bored of you repeating the same words, or the repeated words lull him to sleep.

  4. my budgie does that some times, i think coz shes bored, don't just keep repeating the same words, place him in a place where people are more likely to me talking or place him next to the tv, that's what i have done.  

  5. that means he is listening to you carefully!!!!!

  6. maybe hes tired from the metal stress of learning a language that bird don't usually speak

  7. It could be that its tired.

    By the way, i'm pretty sure I know what a budgie looks like. Please explain to me what an "interested" budgie looks like

  8. i thinkyour budgie is depressed get it a partner

  9. I think he is just bored! If you want your budgie to learn words my advice is to take all mirrors out of the cage and put the cage in an environment where lot's of people are likely to be talking - or even by the TV. It takes a while for them to learn words so be paitient.

    My budgie used to be by the phone and he would always say 'ok... bye!'

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