
Why does my dad do this?

by  |  earlier

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my dad was an alcoholic and a tobacco user for about 25 years and he quit smoking and stuff he used to smoke 3 packs a day but he gives me money for cigarettes all the time and when im out he gives me his last 5 dollars why does he do this i kind of feel bad




  1. Stop accepting his money he probaly just feels guilty about having been a heavy smoker and drinking and not having more things for you

    Tell him its okay  

  2. cuz he knows how it is to be out sure times have been tough for him as it is for most of us throughout life

  3. There really isn't an answer to that question. I mean he smoked and drank, then he quit. Now he gives you money for you to buy cigarettes all the time.

    My opinion is that he's been there with the smoking and he knows how hard it might be to fit in your budget. Some advise, quit smoking...

  4. 1st of all, if you feel bad, dont take his money...just wait until you can afford it. He may do it so that way you dont get money in any type of illegal manner, so he figures he will give you the money because he probably knows how it feels to NEED your nicotine fix as well. Like most parents, he cant tell you not to do it...when he did it, he figures you can make your own choices. Just try to make your last pack last a little longer when you know hes short on money and when you are as may help!

  5. perhaps he thinks you're old enough to make your own decisions, and not have to ask random people on the internet..

  6. you smoke?

    why would you smoke when you grew up around it..

    its bad for your health and does no good to you!  


    ... but your dad does it maybe becuase he misses smoking.. and gave up knowing his daghter smokes becuase of him.

  7. Maybe because his brain is impaired after years of drinking and smoking...

  8. ya got me. it seems he'd want his little girl to not smoke. he's enabling you, and it's wrong. He should know better.

  9. stop accepting the money

  10. He loves you and he is trying to make up for all of the money he wasted.  

  11. Why do you ask him for it or accept it? You are his little girl, he is going to give you anything he can. Stop accepting it and take a lesson from his smoking habits. Good luck!

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