
Why does my dog eat poo?

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I have a 2 Spaniels, My younger 7 year spaniel eats the older one' excrement. I don't understand why? If anyone could answer this for me it would be greatly appreciated, or even better give me some advice on how to stop her. We've tried to disposing of it before she finds it, but there always seems to be some left over. I heard somewhere that feeding her pineapple chunks would put her off of it but that hasn't worked either. Any advice?




  1. all dogs do that it will have poo breath but pick it up if you dont want him to eat it

  2. I've been told it's because they smell nutrients in the poo that they want/need. But personally, I think they eat poo for the same reason they l**k their balls - because they can.

  3. unseasoned meat tenderizer on their food everytime they eat. it will take a few days but it will work and its cheaper than the vet.

  4. I have a Lab/Border Collie mix & the beagle I have will eat her poo.  I feel it is because she proceeds to kick his a-- on a daily basis.  Or there is some kind of diet issue which I can't understand why because they eat the same food.  But I've been told both, so it's either a social issue or a dietary issue

  5. Unless you pick up the poo behind them good luck.

    A lot of people will say your dog is not getting everything it needs in the diet your feeding it, I say phooey to that. I feed a high quality food and this poo eating thing still happens on occasion with certain pups that I have bred.

    Try catching them in the act and using the command Leave it or clean it up immediately.

    Good luck and God bless.

  6. Yes. Call your vet. He can prescribe a med that makes the excrement taste horrible. He can also explain why they do this - I used to know, but can't remember!

  7. cause there gross

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